Submission Date


Resource Type

Collection (a group of items)

File Format


File Size and Duration

159MB; 28 sec


GAGA! is a short coming of age film. The story follows our main character Gaga, a young innocent teenager who has recently lost his mother. Gaga and his older brother David are left to move into their auntie Sue’s house. He struggles to adjust to the change in environment and makes a plan to run away on his 14th birthday.

Gaga wakes early on the morning of his birthday to write his goodbye letter. All the while David has woken earlier than usual to steal a playstation for Gaga as a birthday gift. When David arrives home he finds the letter and an empty bedroom. Gaga has made a run for it. David jumps on his bike to find Gaga and bring him home.


GAGA! Cast and Crew:


Alex Box as Gaga

David Dunn as David

Nardia Tumata as Auntie Sue


Directors Brendan Eamonn King & Joseph Wells

Story by Joseph Wells

Script Editor Brendan Eamonn King

Produced by Samuel Cormack

Produced by Brendan Eamonn King

Director of Photography Riley Michelmore

Executive Producers Michael Bates, Thomas Arnold, Grace Kingston and Renée Brack

1st AD Indigo Ayre-Smith

1st AC & Reel Loader Riley Hsiang

2nd AC Datu Bethke

Gaffer Matthew Roper

Assistant Gaffer Zhiran Zhou

Production Design Brendan Eamonn King & Joseph Wells

Sound Recordists Camille Pinchotto & Lachlan Simpson

Location Manager Samuel Cormack

Post Production Manager Brendan Eamonn King

Associate Producers Jackson Todd, Jaimie Laverty, Jordan Lister, Niall King and Aodhan King

Music Joseph Wells

Editor Alex Newport

VFX Riley Michelmore

Colourist Indigo Ayre-Smith

Credits Riley Michelmore

Title One Studio

Production Logo Ella Grace Lister

Film processing Werner Wilkerman at Neglab

Telecine Ryszard Dabek at Mount Analogue

Special Thanks

Bella Thomas

Michael Abboud

Kyle Glasgow

Leanne and Jo Thomas

Kameron Omar


Tyrone Terreiro

Sulei Hunt

Matt Wilson

Samantha Oliver

Bella Thomas

Oliver Lister

Vicki Wai Kuan Liang

Cameron Gullo

Jake McGarry

Jordan Ball

Jeannine Stafford

Simona Lattuca

Brandon Robadel

Fonzelina Falesita

Cheryl Fagan

Brooklyn Beach

Simon and Amanda Lister

Paul and Sherry King

Jude Lewis

Winston Liu

Oakville Films


Father Chris Ryan at St Declan’s Catholic Church

Charmine and Tom Deevy

Werner Wilkermen at Neglab


Audio & Soundtrack:

Antoine_s Mix TAKE 1

Gaga Rapping

My brother David Theft

Output 1_2

Session Recording_Group_Take 1

GAGA! Logo created by ONE Studio.


Mature (M) - moderate impact language/themes, includes violence/nudity, not restricted to 15+



Recommended Citation

King, B., & Wells, J. (2020). GAGA! [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
