
Florian Delain

Submission Date


Resource Type

Collection (a group of items)

File Format


File Size and Duration

628MB; 8:01 min


“The destruction of our habitat is no longer a surprise. It’s been told a million times. Simulation Earth illustrates this message from outer-space through a journey on tree planets, Venus, Mars, and Earth.

Interdimensional Beings are at the origin of the Universe. They run a simulation test on each planet to check the viability regarding to their atmospheric composition. Each planet comes with their own dangers. Venus is under-pressure because of its high surface temperature, and is submerged with torrential and acid rains. Mars reaches freezing temperatures of minus 60 degrees and is devastated by sand storms and meteorite rains. Earth, on the other hand is presented as the most beautiful landscape with its tension-released atmosphere. Life is successfully expanding. However, weather conditions can be hard for some species.

In a journey through the seasons, from the iced lands in winter to the luxurious vegetation in springtime, will Earth successfully pass the viability simulation test?”


This project is a 3D audio-visual experiment, including 3D modeling animations, sounds and pictures from the Nasa, and compiled with a 360-degree binaural audio mix. This is the technology used for VR and provides the user with an immersive experience. With control options such as azimuth, distance, elevation, angle and 360 degrees panning, Ambisonics audio gives another dimension to the project, similar to the Dolby Atmos Digital Technology.

*Full-range headphones are required to fully experience the immersive sound.


General (G) - suitable for everyone



Recommended Citation

Delain, F. (2019). Simulation Earth [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
