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This vital reference guide for producers, filmmakers, financiers, and their advisors, addresses the practice of raising finance from the essential details to broader concepts and approaches. This resource contains information on more than 1,000 funding awards, a glossary of 400 entry film business terms, and a table of co-production treaties. Case studies and interviews of successful fundraising approaches are provided. The Handbook is split into three parts: Theory and Practice, International Incentives, and the Funding Directory. The Reference Section contains an extended Glossary.


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0955014328; 9780955014321


cinema industry, motion picture societies, directories


Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations | Film and Media Studies | Film Production | Finance and Financial Management

Table of Contents

PART 1: Getting Started -- The Bigger Picture -- A quick reminder of why you're here -- A brave new world? -- The numbers -- The studio and independent sectors -- Non-profit films -- Producers - what's in a name? -- Timing - from concept to screen to bank account -- How do films earn money? -- How are films financed? -- Your Picture -- Prepare yourself and build the right team -- Do the research – Networking – Development – Packaging -- Budget size and sales projections -- Writing the business plan – Pitching -- Completing funding applications -- Working with an accountant: Michael Lerman. -- Negotiating -- When is a deal a deal --- contract law basics -- What you need to know about copyright -- Companies and limited liability -- And finally... the film festival, Laurence Boyce. -- Hul Short Film Festival -- Jeremy Thomas, Producer, Recorded Picture Company, Dream Machine. -- Paul Haggis, Writer & Director, Crash & Million Dollar Baby. -- Nik Powell, Virgin, Palace, Scala & NFTS. -- Nicole Kassell -- The Woodsman. -- Wendy Bevan Mogg, Producing Shorts. -- Jan Dunne and Elaine Wickham, Gypo. -- Gus Van Sant, Director, Elephant. -- Patty Jenkins, Writer/Director, Monster. -- Amanda Posey, Producer, Fever Pitch. – Chapter 2: Low and MicroBudget Filmmaking -- The great low budget face-off: Film v Digital -- The New Kids on the Block -- High Definition -- Low budgets --- an overview -- Cutting Budgets --- The Relph Report -- McGregor's Ten Tips -- Carbon neutral filmmaking -- Sample Budgets: Clerks; The Living End; El Mariachi -- Film cheats on camera -- Film cheats in post -- The write solutions to cost cutting -- Cutting budgets by design -- Cut-price filmmaking kit -- FX: Getting a bang for your buck -- Sound effects -- Chemical cost cutters -- Shedding light on low budget -- Jon Williams, Doing The Cannes. -- Neil Oseman, Soul Searcher. -- Alex Ferrari & Sean Falcon, Broken. -- Chris Kentis & Laura Lau, Open Water. -- Adrian Mead, Night People. -- Alison Peebles, Afterlife. -- Kenneth D Barker, Kingdom. -- Lance Weller, Head Trauma. -- Gene Cajayou, The Debut. -- Zack Coffman & Scott Dl Lalla, Choppertown. The Sinners -- Scott Pehl. Curiosity -- Susan Buice & Arin Crumley, Four Eyed Monsters. Paul Andrew Williams, London to Brighton. – Chapter 3: Production Financing -- Building' an Analogy -- Receipts, Recoupment and Profit – Recoupment -- Break-Even and Profit -- Film as an Economic Anomaly -- Cross Receipts, AGR, Net Receipts and Net Profit -- Soft Money and Financial Incentives -- Soft on Recoupment -- Financial Incentives -- Direct Support -- Rebates --Tax Breaks -- Co-productions and International Options -- Benefits for National Films -- Official Co-productions as National Films -- So what exactly is a Co-production? Qualifying as a Treaty Co-production -- Competent Authorities -- The European Convention -- Convention or Treaty? – Equity -- Premium, not Interest -- The Six-Tenths Rule of Profit Share -- How Much, and Where From? -- Pre-Sales and Distribution Deals -- Seller & Buyer, Agent & Distributor, Foreign & Domestic - Confusing Terminology? -- Distribution Agreements -- The Minimum Guarantee and Overages -- Computing Sales Estimates and MGs using the Budget -- The Pre-Sale -- Payment of the MG on a Pre-sale -- Pre-Sales as a form of Finance for the Film -- Too many Pre-sales? -- Split Rights Deals -- Straight, Flat and Outright Sales -- Some Other Considerations -- Hold-back Windows -- Cap Financing -- Sales Estimates, Coverage and the Domestic Sale -- Repayment – Security -- New Gap Funding Opportunities -- Completion Bond -- Costs of Gapping -- The Rise and Fall of Insurance-Backed Gap – Summary -- Completion Bonds -- Protecting the Financiers -- How the Bond works -- Strike Price and Contingency -- Bond Companies' track records – Deferments -- Post-Production Deals -- GAAP Funds -- Sales Agents' Commission -- The Cost of Selling -- Deferred and non-deferred Commission -- Commission on pre-sales -- Sales Advances and `International Distribution' -- Negative Pick-ups -- Bridging Finance -- Venture Capital and Enterprise Investment -- Sponsorship and Product Placement – Sponsorship and Product Placement -- The Future of the Mainstream Financing Model -- The Tangling of the Web -- Split Screens - only two valuable formats? -- The Need to Sell Internet Rights -- Websites as the End-User's Point-of-Sale -- Who would pay an MG? -- Middlemen and a New Breed of Buyer -- The Future is Nigh -- Mira Nair, Vanity Fair, Working with a Studio. -- Jacqueline Swanson, Checkout Girl, Product Placement. -- Roy Disney, Director Emeritus, Walt Disney Corp, The Studio. Janey de Nordwall Silver Films, Business Angels. -- David Thompson, BBC Films. Chapter 4: The Internet. -- The Seventh Major -- Finance 2.0 -- Fundable.org -- Have Money Will Vlog – Kinooga – Sellaband -- The One Second Film -- New Thinking, Open Source & Free Software 157 -- Jim Gilliam, Producer, Brave New Films. -- Marketing 2.0 -- Approaching the web -- New Thinking -- The Wisdom of Crowds -- Domain name -- Search engines -- Video hosting -- The blog -- The website -- Generating word of mouth -- Matt Hanson, A Swarm of Angels. -- Distribution 2.0 -- New thinking, the Long Tail – Piracy -- Options for making money online -- New thinking, Creative Commons -- Download to rent or own -- Advertising revenue share -- Rights purchase -- Sliding pricing -- `Real-world' distribution.

PART II: International Incentives -- Australia (National) -- Australia (Regional --- Queensland) – Austria -- Belgium – Brazil – Canada – China – Colombia – France – Germany – Hungary – Iceland – India -- Pitching in Bollywood, Ashvin Kumar. -- Ashvin Kumar, the Forest. -- Ireland -- Isle Of Man – Italy – Luxembourg – Malta -- The Netherlands -- New Zealand – Norway -- Puerto Rico – Romania -- South Africa -- South Korea – Sweden -- United Kingdom -- United States Of America -- The Best Of The Rest: Africa (sub-Sahara) -- Boznia and Herzegovina – Croatia -- Czech Republic – Denmark – Estonia – Fiji – Greece -- Hong Kong – Indonesia – Israel – Jamaica – Japan – Macedonia – Mexico – Philippines – Poland – Serbia – Singapore – Slovakia – Slovenia -- Spain.

PART III: Funding Directory – Australia – Austria – Belgium – Brazil – Bulgaria – Canada – Croatia -- Czech Republic – Denmark – Estonia -- Pan-European – Fiji – Finland – France – Germany – Greece – Hawaii -- Hong Kong – Hungary – Iceland – Indonesia – Ireland – Italy – Jamaica – Latvia – Lithuania – Luxembourg – Macedonia – Malta -- The Netherlands -- New Zealand – Nordic – Norway – Poland – Portugal – Romania -- Singapore – Slovakia – Slovenia -- South Africa – Spain – Sweden – Switzerland -- Trinidad & Tobago -- United Kingdom -- Reference section – Glossary -- Sample Delivery Schedule -- Sale & Leaseback -- International Co-production Treaties -- Recoupment Schedule -- Table of financing contracts -- Further reading -- International Producer organisations.


More Author/Title Info: by Adam P. Davies and Nicol Wistreich; chapter 2 by James MacGregor; further research by Catharine Allen and Hiu Wan Au-Yeung; with additional interviews by Stephen Applebaum and Tom Fogg.

Edition: New global. Revised edition of How to fund your film (2005).

Film finance handbook: how to fund your film