Submission Guidelines for Exemplars

Creo is a secure open archives repository that stores and centralises access to SAE’s institutional knowledge, including exemplar assessment works created by its students as part of their participation in an SAE undergraduate or postgraduate course.

Works submitted to Creo must align with the ethical and integrity standards outlined in SAE University Colleges Academic Integrity and Code of Conduct policies. For additional information on all policies governing the submission of works to Creo, please see the About page.

Before submitting an Exemplar, please ensure:

  • The files you are submitting are in a preferred or acceptable file format.
  • If the work contains more than one file, that all files are submitted combined as one Zip file. If necessary, include a .txt file explaining how the files need to be accessed or interact with each other.
  • The file you are submitting adheres to SAE's "Author_Title_Date" file-naming convention.
  • That the work does not exist elsewhere in Creo.
  • That data entered into the submission form is accurate and detailed.
  • That no part of the submission breaches applicable local, national or international individual privacy laws, nor SAE's Privacy Policy. For example:

    1. The inclusion of personal or identifying information of the work's creators, contributors or participants (unless permission has been obtained). This applies not only to all of the resource's content and associated/linked content (excluding public-facing websites) but to the names of files, folders, and all files' embedded metadata within.
    2. The inclusion of grades, project cover sheets, or other SAE-associated assessment tools used in submitting and grading works.
    3. The inclusion of links (such as those to learning journals or Google drives) that may inadvertently breach a student or another's privacy.

SAE University College Library reserves the right to accept or reject all content submitted to Creo.