
Amelia Rice

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The ‘Let’s Be Book Series' are the stories of two young girls and their toy rabbit that aim to educate young children through imaginative and adventurous storylines. Each book comes with a physical piece of the story in an attempt to encourage further imagination and play.

The whole concept is motivated by children growing up in the digital era: The increase in their screen time and static activities; and the decrease in creativity and play. Research into the impressionability of children and the concept that children’s books are able influence the next generation to society’s beliefs and values, is why it is important that the lessons we are teaching them are considered and beneficial.

The stories I have created will educate children on how to deal with relevant, real world issues in an imaginary and supportive way. It is my opinion that children should not be forced to grow up too fast and should have the right to enjoy their childhood.

In my books so far, I have tried to appropriately expose children to bigger topics including feminism, climate change, and bullying. Creating empathetic, kind and accepting generations is the only way that we will be able to make our world a better place. Similarly, with all the exciting technology children are constantly surrounded by, their ability to create, play and imagine in physical reality is not being nurtured. Broadening children’s creative horizons is so important for their growth and ability to fulfil future endeavours.


(Let's Be) Let's Be Books Series: The Adventures of Mimi; Written and Illustrated by Millie Rice.

Book 1: Let's Be Knights!

Book2: Let's Be Explorers!

Book 3: Let's Be Sailors!


General (G) - suitable for everyone



Recommended Citation

Rice, A. (2019). Let's Be Books: The Adventures of Mimi [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
