Submission Date


Resource Type

Moving Image (e.g. animations, movies, television programs)

File Format


File Size and Duration

103MB; 1:35 min


RAVE is a short 1.5-minute 2D Animated Music Video that explores the romanticisation of war through drawing parallels between nightlife scenes and war aesthetics. It is formatted in an upbeat montage-style with quick cuts between different glitzy action & stylised animation, timed to original electronic music, using visual metaphors to express its message.

RAVE explores the romanticisation of war with themes of imperialism, colonialism, propaganda under the false guise of patriotism, and toxic-masculinity to ultimately portray an anti-war message critiquing modern war sentiment. It works to contrast modern hedonistic nightlife scenes to those in war, specifically reflecting from the ‘rose-tinted-glasses’ idiom.

The narrative of the music video follows a soldier recently recruited to join the war effort. Wearing rose-tinted glasses, he indulges himself into a hedonistic life amidst the war, with alcohol, drugs, guns, vehicles, and parties to boot. However, the reality of war finally sinks in following the climactic resolution.

The project was completed by Aidan Ranger as a solo capstone undergraduate project, facilitated as part of SAE’s Bachelor of Animation program. All featured audio and foley work were completed by Audio student Wade de Souza in collaboration.


Credits & Contributions:

Aidan Ranger: Director, Art Director, Animator, Artist, Illustrator, Visual Effects Artist

Wade De Souza: Composer, Foley.


Mature (M) - moderate impact language/themes, includes violence/nudity, not restricted to 15+



Recommended Citation

De Souza, W., & Ranger, A. (2019). RAVE [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
