
Libby Hodges

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Collection (a group of items)

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For this project, I have undertaken audience testing in order to gain insight into the perspective of potential buyers and industry professionals. The responses to my research will allow me to improve my designs in both the visual aspects as well as the branding. I am hoping to get results that will guide me in a direction to ultimately improve my project overall.

In the industry of product and brand design, designers will do market research and prototyping, and create product testing for their target market. To make my project meet the current standards of graphic design, I am using this survey as my market research and gain reviews from my own target audience and implement it into my final product.

As my product is an alcoholic beverage, my target audience will be directed towards people over 18. Considering my art style is a mixture of ‘Maximaslism’, ‘Frasurbane’, and ‘Neo-Punk’, which are all fairly recent design trends, I am aiming for my target audience to be between the ages of 18-35. I want my survey to cover a small percentage of each age group in order to gain a wide range of perspectives, but will focus the majority of my survey on the ages of my target audience. I have also sent my survey out to multiple industry professionals, including designers, lecturers, videographers, photographers, and creative directors, to ensure that some of my reviews come from a well-versed audience with constructive feedback. - Creator.


Label Copy Text:

Hop Lager

The mountain goat watches from the tallest of heights, everything below remains forever out of reach.

This demon’s elixir is brewed from hops, pressed with ice cold stone, to give the lager its signature clean bite.

Apple Cider

The snake tempts you to take a bite of an apple, how little you know of what you've done.

This demon's elixir is brewed from the apples of Eden, the heavenly nectar almost masks the taste of sin.

Ginger Beer

The fox, sly and cunning, he hunts his prey with a flash of fiery red.

This demon's elixir is brewed from ginger and spice so you can taste the flames of the fox in every sip.

Pale Ale

The crow stalks the fields, waiting to take what is rightfully his.

This demon's elixir is brewed from the wheat that this bird plucks from the earth, mixed with barley to possess you with its rich flavour.

Red Stout

The vampire bat takes to the night and drains the blood of all which cross his path.

This demon's elixir is brewed from dark roasted malt, so you too can drain the bottle of its signature crimson colour.

Cane Rum

The monkey is man's closest relative, it's agility and smarts making it just as deadly.

This demon's elixir is brewed from South-Asian sugarcane.


Mature (M) - moderate impact language/themes, includes violence/nudity, not restricted to 15+



Recommended Citation

Hodges, L. (2022). Devil's Critters Brewery [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
