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Everyone perceives the world differently, some more so than others..

SENSORY: Embrace Difference is a multi-faceted exhibition that utilises visual, tactile, and auditory methods to immerse visitors into the perspectives of individuals with sensory impairments.

Our exhibition sets out to unravel these mysteries for you, providing immersive experiences that promote awareness, education, and inclusion. Through the use of posters, motion graphics, audio, and more, you will be transported directly into the perspectives of those with a curated selection of sensory impairments including near and far-sightedness, sensorineural hearing loss, and sensory processing disorder (SPD).

Hosted at SAE Institue’s Sydney Campus, SENSORY: Embrace Difference features print, digital, audio, and installation components representing visual, auditory, and tactile impairments. The exhibition itself will be split into three main sections, based on the predominant sense affected: sight, sound, and touch, and will feature a combination of posters, motion graphics, audio clips, and small-scale installations.

Each section will not only highlight how individuals with these impairments perceive and interact with the world, they will also provide information to help encourage awareness, education, and inclusion. For further context and information within each section, there will also be informational stands detailing each sensory impairment including causes, treatments, and current available aides - Creator (Designer submission 2022).


Around 95% of the information we intake about the world around us comes from our senses, it is vital that we are able to perceive and interpret this information properly; but what happens when one or more of our sense doesn’t work properly? This is known as a sensory impairment.

Sensory impairments may affect one or more of our senses, and can greatly impact how a person perceives and interacts with the world. From social interactions to simple comprehension, every day actions can become tedious chores, or even a source of overstimulation. Whilst many individuals can aide their impairments with the use of sensory devices, ASL, and/or braille, there are many situations where education and understanding are the only solutions. SENSORY: Embrace Difference has chosen to portray impairments that commonly impact Australians. Through highlighting impairments that audience members will interact with in mainstream society, we aim to create a sense of familiarity and recognition within the exhibition.


Zip Contents:





General (G) - suitable for everyone



Recommended Citation

Emmerson, A. (2022). Sensory: Embrace Difference [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
