Bonehenge [EP]

Submission Date


Resource Type

Sound (e.g. recorded music, speech, sound effects)

File Format


File Size and Duration

Not Applicable

Format Note

ProTools 12.7.5, NEVE, SSLK, SSL Duality


This project was made to begin laying the foundations of my path to become a self-producing musician with the ultimate goal of owning a studio and producing music specifically in the genre of ‘Doom Metal’. This project was inspired by Jus Osborne from the band ‘Electric Wizard’ who had begun writing and producing his own music and has grown his branding to now own ‘WitchFinder Records’ with many Doom Metal bands who he produces on the label. My main goal of the project was to write and produce an EP to release on free music sharing platforms that will create a place for me to begin showcasing my skills as an engineer and also a songwriter with the future goal to create something similar to Jus. This project is something that can keep being updated and reinvented in the future as my skills and\or ideas change.

Throughout the project there has also been some major changes where I realised I was not going to have enough time to reach my goal of recording an EP so I chose to go for quality over quantity and spend my time perfecting the two songs I had already started. As this project is a reflection of my skillset and abilities to produce and write music I found it vital to scale back and get the best result possible.


Bonehenge : To The Underground

01. To The Underground

02. Passing By The Sun

03. On The Streets

Additional Tracks:

04. Demons

05. The Healing.



General (G) - suitable for everyone



Recommended Citation

Barker, M., & Keen, D. (2018). Bonehenge [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
