Emotion Killer: Tragic life in a modern world


Shannon Loch

Submission Date


Resource Type

Sound (e.g. recorded music, speech, sound effects)

File Format


File Size and Duration

Not Applicable


Shannon Loch’s transmedia major project is the crowning achievement of his Bachelor of Audio degree. The main component is a 7 track EP for his band Emotion Killer, entitled Tragic Life in a Modern World. This EP is a world class example of Shannon’s abilities as a producer, recording engineer, and mix engineer, as well as showcasing complex advanced editing and sample triggering techniques. Shannon also was responsible for all compositions, lead vocal, programming, and stringed instrument performances, alongside session drummer Mitchell Fogarty of Alpha Wolf and a solo from fellow guitarist Lesly Kinzel. Alongside the EP, a music video was produced for the song Postmodern Millennial, utilising SAE’s green screen studio. Finally, a marketing plan, website and accounts across various social media platforms to serve as a platform to promote the project for when it enters the release cycle.


Tragic life in a modern world:

01. Inside My Rage

02. Dark Inside

03. Vultures

04. Postmodern Millennials

05. Digital Heaven

06. Bully Me

07. Subside.


Parental Guidance (PG) - mild impact language/themes



Recommended Citation

Loch, S. (2020). Emotion Killer: Tragic life in a modern world [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
