Voi [Game]

Submission Date


Resource Type

Interactive Resource (e.g. web pages, augmented/virtual reality environments)

File Format


File Size and Duration

Not Applicable

Format Note

Windows 10, Visual Studio 2015 Version 14.0.23107.0 D14REL, OGRE 1.9, FMOD Studio API 1.6.7, bullet3 2.83.6, RapidXML 1.13, SDL 2.0


Voi is a 3D first person puzzle platformer, developed by our team of four, Vec1, written in C++, targeting Windows, but was developed on Linux. Using a flat-shaded, monochromatic style, we aimed to create a minimalistic environment, filled with complex puzzles. Through the use of a layering system, connected with portals, we created a non-Euclidean space, featuring maze-like levels. One of our main reasons for using C++ and a selection of libraries, was to expand our game development knowledge and skills, rather than relying on the safety that Unity would have provided. The primary build was built using Visual Studio 2015, and the levels assembled using Blender. Visual Studio 2013 and GCC were also used for development. FMOD was used for audio, bullet was used for physics, and rendering was done using OGRE and SDL. The game has been published on itch.io, and we plan to continue development after the submission of this project.


Pat Monaghan: Lead Programmer

Tim Volp: Programmer

Jared Ford: Programmer

Jackson Coll: Lead Designer


Parental Guidance (PG) - mild impact language/themes



Recommended Citation

Coll, J., Ford, J., Monaghan, P., & Volp, T. (2015). Voi [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
