Space Cadet - Future Frequencies [LP]


Coskun Dincel


Sharon Sharabi (Piano on nuclear paradise), Taya Mills (Luminescence co-producer), Sean Dor (Spectral Analyzer and Power of Sound co-producer).

Submission Date


Resource Type

Sound (e.g. recorded music, speech, sound effects)

File Format


File Size and Duration

Not Applicable


Space Cadet is the musical brainboy of Jasche

Rooted in an upbringing surrounded by Perth’s rolling hills, Coskun developed a deep connection with music from a young age.

Go to a doof
This quickly grew into a curiosity and hunger for Coskun to create his own music.

In 2013 after a move to Byron Bay to study Audio Engineering at SAE college, Coskun quickly found him self an integral part of the NNSW psytrance community and became respected for his high quality production and reputation for throwing the best bush parties in the area

Early in 2016, Coskun founded Higher Recordings, a label with the vision to bring top quality homegrown psychedelic dance music, and build a team of like-minded artists to drive this agenda.

Last few years have seen Space Cadet on stages such as Yemaya, Psy-Fari, Dragon Dreaming, Tanglewood, Elements Festival, Esoteric, Rabbits Eat Lettuce and various shows up and down the east coast of Australia
Upcoming Gig- Elements festival 2020.


General (G) - suitable for everyone



Recommended Citation

Dincel, C. (2015). Space Cadet - Future Frequencies [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
