I Swear the Weather is Mocking Me : A Man Called Midnight [EP]

Submission Date


Resource Type

Sound (e.g. recorded music, speech, sound effects)

File Format


File Size and Duration

Not Applicable


The Project ‘I Swear the Weather is Mocking Me’ is an EP for the local Brisbane Punk band ‘A Man Called Midnight’. It is a compilation of 5 original songs, recorded and produced by myself, Benjamin Greig. The band is a 4 piece, with drums, guitars, bass and vocals. This is the band's first EP, and first proper recording together (other than an iphone recording…). The band started practicing together early this year (2015) and have some nice song writing skills. The tracks are influenced by bands such as Columbus (a local brisbane punk band who are doing quite well for themselves) and plan to start playing some live shows next year. Despite the bass player only picking up the instrument for the first time in his life late last year, they are sounding pretty sweet, and I can only imagine what lies ahead in their promising future. The project is an audio recording that lasts for approximately 20 minutes.


I Swear the Weather is Mocking Me : A Man Called Midnight [EP]

01. The Builder

02. Know This

03. I Swear the Weather is Mocking Me ft. Josh Jorgensen

04. Self-loathing/Spiteful

05. Late at Night


Parental Guidance (PG) - mild impact language/themes



Recommended Citation

Brennen, D., Cooper, G., Greig, B., Harper, B., Hutchings, Z., Jorgensen, J., & Russell, D. (2015). I Swear the Weather is Mocking Me : A Man Called Midnight [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
