A Way We Go [Film]
Submission Date
Resource Type
Moving Image (e.g. animations, movies, television programs)
File Format
File Size and Duration
Not Applicable
This capstone project is a documentary film entitled ‘A Way We Go’, which hopes to challenge the conception that time spent in transit is wasted, while exploring the experiences and cultures surrounding various forms of transport. It was filmed by Novocastrian film-maker Jacqueline Hicks in ten cities, spread across four continents.
Jacqueline was inspired to make this film after completing a degree in transport, and working with the CSIRO.
The film has a running time of fifty eight minutes and eleven seconds, and features dialogue from one hundred and twelve interviewees to form a collective conversation about how people spend their time whilst in transit.
My involvement was to restore the audio (camera mic only), conduct additional field recording, sound design, music composition, and mixing for the film.
Because the film is dialogue heavy, we have aimed for the music to be a reprieve for the audience’s concentration. Hence I have attempted to compose music that will keep the audience interested, while providing a contemplative atmosphere for processing a lot of information. Genre-wise the music for the most part is chilled, ambient, electronica with an overall cinematic feel.
A Way We Go [Film]
Jacqui Hicks: Director, Producer & Editor
Brad Klenk: Composer, Sound Design & Mixing
Mehul Bhanti: Additional Cinematography (India)
Shane Burrell: Colourist
Monique Pompe: Graphic Design
Manual Prieto: Artists
General (G) - suitable for everyone
Recommended Citation
Bhanti, M., Burrell, S., Hicks, J., Klenk, B., Pompe, M., & Prieto, M. (2017). A Way We Go [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.