Missing In All Of Us
Submission Date
Resource Type
Sound (e.g. recorded music, speech, sound effects)
File Format
File Size and Duration
14:00 min
Format Note
Windows Home 10 64-bit. 24-bit/48khz. Ableton Live 10. Pro Tools 12 Ultimate. Tascam TM-80. Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. JBL 305. Sennheiser HD280
Missing In All Of Us is a Sci-Fi audio narrative set in the distant future.
Xya Lashley is expecting her father Rycroft to return from a regular trade deal until she finds out his ship has been found - but he has not.
This is a story about how lost Xya feels, knowing that she may have lost her dad. We follow Xya on her hellbent mission to bring Rycroft home.
Missing In All Of Us
Benjamin Spadaro: Recording Engineer
Shannon Denning: Writer
Elijah Bayani: Illustrator
Joshua Silva: Illustrator
James Chandler: Desinger
General (G) - suitable for everyone
Recommended Citation
Bayani, E., Chandler, J., Denning, S., Silva, J., & Spadaro, B. (2020). Missing In All Of Us [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.