Submission Date


Resource Type

Collection (a group of items)

File Format


File Size and Duration

825MB; 8:52 min


Follow The Stream is a story about escapism. It depicts a man’s imaginary escape into a world of vikings, with him seeking to process his emotional trauma and regain control over his life. However, as this fantasy goes on, reality begins to bleed into this make believe world.

This film is not only rich in story and visuals, but also tackles intense topics such as childhood trauma. This is a topic considered taboo to talk about and we wish to explore, as well as shed a light on its effects and the negative impacts that it has.

This is our final capstone film for university and it is a passion project for most involved, as all of us have taken our collective experience and turned it into something we are all proud of. We've all been involved in Fantasy before in a great deal of our previous Student films such as "Day In The Knight" (2023), "Moldark's Forest" (2022) and "The Chronicles of Galgari: The First Hunt" (2022). And believe this experience has culminated into one of the most inventive student films out there and we hope you will enjoy it.


Follow The Stream [Film]

Director: Kyle Vasquez

Cinematographer: Jack Webb

Producer: Jarrod Booth

Production Designer: Hailie Reyes

Editor: Liam Currie

Writer: Callum Borthwick

Sound Director: Ravi Patel


Parental Guidance (PG) - mild impact language/themes



Recommended Citation

Booth, J., Borthwick, C., Currie, L., Reyes, H., Vasquez, K., & Webb, J. (2023). Follow The Stream [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
