Black Mamba : Snake Chalmer [EP]


Taryn Neubronner


Allayah Ager-Nam (Animator), Paulo Gonzalez (Other), SAE University College (Sponsoring Body).

Submission Date


Resource Type

Sound (e.g. recorded music, speech, sound effects)

File Format


File Size and Duration

Not Applicable

Format Note

Ableton Live 9 Suite, reFX Nexus, Pro Tools 12, Macbook Pro


The work submitted for CIU330.3 Published Deliverable consists of two original electronic based tracks. Both tracks experiment with “Black Mamba’s” sound and are entirely different. Because of this matter I have chosen to release only one of these tracks officially as a single. The track that has been released as the single is titled “Snake Charmer” and is what most of the promotional aspects of this assignment are based around. I have also taken the time to create some more DJ mixes in order to help promote myself as an artist and give the public more of an idea of the types of sounds I like and surround myself with. The single will be released and sent to various Australian hubs such as RTRFM and and Triple J, along with a release on Bandcamp and Soundcloud. Further promotion has been achieved through the use of a wix website as well as Facebook. The two tracks were created on Ableton Live 9 Suite as well as some editing on Pro Tools 12, the tracks use samples for the drums and vocal chops. Another track that is not being taken into account for the mark but is being credited for was for the same project but a different group that I had left in trimester 6. This track is not being used but the facilitators have taken it into account for work purposes. - Creator.


Black Mamba also known as Taryn Renae is an electronic music producer based in Perth, Australia. She has a range of experience in the field of sound design and post production, but is staying focused on her music as an artist. As a trusted producer, she pushes honest music and draws inspiration from many various cultures and artists. - Extract from creators website.


General (G) - suitable for everyone



Recommended Citation

Neubronner, T. (2015). Black Mamba : Snake Chalmer [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
