"Charlie Stewart : JordOn Hams [EP]" by Charlie Stewart, Jordon Hams et al.

Charlie Stewart : JordOn Hams [EP]

Submission Date


Resource Type

Sound (e.g. recorded music, speech, sound effects)

File Format


File Size and Duration

Not Applicable


In the process of recording Charlie Stewart the neve is the desk where we did the entire recording and some of the mixing. We utilised the outboard gear available in the neve while also using some EQ while recording onto pro tools. The instrument used were the artists own apart from the drums, they are a Roland eclectic drum kit we used on the EP. The mics used were the Rode K2, akg 414, sm57, beta 52 and md421. The 421 and rode K2 were the most used mics, we felt they captured the feel of the tracks more so than the others. Final edits and mixes we did on pro tools. - Creator.


Jordon Hams: Producer/ engineer

Allery Pope: Assistant Engineer

Charlie langfield: Assistant engineer/ musician

Charlie Stewart: Artist.


General (G) - suitable for everyone



Recommended Citation

Hams, J., Langfield, C., Pope, A., & Stewart, C. (2015). Charlie Stewart : JordOn Hams [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
