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Resource Type

Moving Image (e.g. animations, movies, television programs)

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Euphony is an animated music video, about combating the growing monotony that has become abundant in today's age. The narrative of the animation, as well as the lyrics, all move towards showing the positive impacts of finding joy and hope through things that you enjoy, and how that can impact others to do the same. We chose our protagonist, Phonic, to be a robot for this reason, as that's one of the first things that come to mind when discussing monotonous and menial jobs, and how people feel having to live in our current working culture. So when Phonic discovers the walkman and starts playing its music, they start becoming more and more human, as they learn to enjoy themselves and look towards creating a better future.

Our animation team is made up of passionate artists, all with differing skills that we all bring together to create a unique video. Therefore, it will be made with 2D and 3D animation. That's all the fun little details I can say right now, but I hope you'll be excited to see the final video and enjoy the exciting experience that we've got planned for you. You can keep up with our schedule to see what events we've planned so far, or you can check out our social media below, to further engage with our project.


Parental Guidance (PG) - mild impact language/themes



Recommended Citation

Adebayo, A., Eardley-Wilmot, M., Everitt, S., Harrington, L., & Lilith, L. (2024). Euphony [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo
