

Type of Work

Presentation (Seminar, forum, etc)

Advisors and Contributors

Strutts Psyridis


As regards the onset of AI technology use and influence in the film and screen industries, we need to be able to take account of the agency and the engagement of our creative minds and whether or not they are being invited in to realistic, tangible jobs and careers, or alternatively what the impacts of changing technological paradigms might have on their futures. In what ways does AI impact the screen industry?

This generation of young people, film and screen production students, want to have an in-person, socialised peer experience - they want to be together. They want to have a lived, embodied cultural experience. This presentation is my personal view on how we as educators should be preparing our students for their futures.



Thompson, J. (2024). Poco Film Festival Talks: The Impact of AI: A Humanist Perspective [Film festival conference industry presentation]. Creo.
