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Fence Jumper is a 5 piece Melbourne band fusing both Hyperpop and early 2000s Indie rock, they plan to release their debut album in early 2024. The band consists of members from both "Downthedrain" and "Aquarium Park", rock and electronic groups respectively. Giving them the breadth of sounds and styles needed for combining these genres, the band's main tagline is "Making music we wish there was more of."

Our target audience is people who are struggling and coping with being a young adult, be it through relationships, university, 9-5 work, being creative, and everything in between. We believe that writing about our own struggles makes it more relatable than if we were to write about something we don't all deal with. With how the world is at the moment, we need a chance to step back from it all and smile. (Extract from EPK).


Mature (M) - moderate impact language/themes, includes violence/nudity, not restricted to 15+



Recommended Citation

Brydon, Z., Carraro, M., Holt, K., Kuhlman, T., & Pinell, S. (2024). Fence Jumper [Bachelor's Major Project, SAE University College]. Creo.
