The Sonic Conductor



Project Affiliation

SAE; Iceland University of the Arts


The sonic baton is an intelligent instrument with significant sonic possibilities and has the potential to expand the practice of the iconic role of the conductor. The Sonic Conductor uses the sonic baton to lead an ensemble, while the sonic baton translates and sonifies the conductors’ movements and gestures making the conductor an audible member of the ensemble. Through a series of graphic scores that use different notations under different performance contexts, the experimental performances explore subversions, extensions, and expansions of conducting practice aiming to test the ultimate boundary – at what point does the conductor lose their iconic role through expanded practice and the sonic baton simply becomes a sound stick?


Clarke, M. (2024) The Sonic Conductor. 12th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X. July 10-12, Fabrica, Treviso, Italy
