


Type of Work

Creative Work - Theater


Duck is a poem with autobiographic information presented through the lens of spoken word. Such creative autoethnographic accounts provide insight into situations that may be either too confronting or too subjective to be examined otherwise, as well as providing scholarly research in the language of a practice. As Brad Haseman states, “research outputs and claims to knowing must be made through the symbolic language and forms of practice” (Haseman, 2006, 101). Duck attempts to interpret and relay the experiences of anxiety that lead into a post-traumatic flashback. It attempts to present the experience as genuinely as possible, with references to a variety of “moments” encapsulated through sections designed to allude to various “coping” mechanisms.


Texler, N. (2015). Duck. Writing from Below: Art(I)Culations of Violence.

Sensitive handling note

4. Readers should be aware that this output contains content related to any of the following: violence, family or domestic violence, self-harm, sexual assault, suicide, family child removal, refugee experiences, war survivor experiences or other traumatic experiences that may be distressing or harmful to some people.
