Beyond Syntax: Teaching Programming as a Problem-Solving Tool in the AI Era



Type of Work

Presentation (Seminar, forum, etc)


This talk will begin by examining the limitations of current programming education models and the need for a holistic approach that blends technical skills with critical thinking. By integrating real-world problems and interdisciplinary projects, I will show how we can create a more engaging and practical learning experience. This approach not only prepares students for the technical challenges of AI but also equips them with the ability to apply programming skills to diverse fields such as healthcare, finance, and environmental science. The presentation will highlight case studies and strategies from educational institutions that have successfully implemented this approach. We will discuss the benefits of using AI tools to enhance learning, such as their role in targeting critical and computational thinking, automated code reviews, and project-based learning platforms. Additionally, we will explore the importance of ethical considerations and potential drawbacks of introducing LLMs early in programming education. By the end of this talk, participants will gain insights into innovative teaching methodologies that go beyond syntax, fostering a new generation of programmers who are not only proficient coders but also good problem solvers and ethical thinkers. This shift is crucial for developing the skills necessary to thrive in the AI era and to harness the full potential of programming as a transformative tool.


Bozzetto, L. (2024, July 12). Beyond Syntax: Teaching Programming as a Problem-Solving Tool in the AI Era. Online Symposium of the Asia Pacific Engaged Research Association.
