Content Posted in 2023
Ace Space, Lisa Smith, Patrick Brown, and Joshua McKay
A Girls A Gun : Hill St and Livingstone [EP], Andrew Thomson
Airo, Jemimah Perry
ALUNA, Taylor Price, Sean Rogers, and Rebecca Chin
Ameria's Harmony [Game], Jemma Thompson, Gabbi Miller, James Reynolds, and Gypsy De Ryter
Another Bad Day [Animation], Cedrick Boiteux, Jaysun Spinks, Aron Daniels, Kaveh Abdollahi, Daniel Baird, Herremia Rosieur, Aaron Kay, and Shean Dignan
A Prior Engagement [Short Film], James Burman, Sheldon Louis, Tristan Boor, and Tyler Illman
APUG [Audio], Adam Timol, Claire Protas, and Samuel Mansfield
Are You Dead Sure?, Kylie Dyke
A Robot's Magic [Animation], Jarrod Mayor and Rebecca Parker
Asha [Short Film], Fahad Yousuf, Ayaz Butt, Nabeel Khalid, and Kiara Martinovic-Kellerman
Ashland, Anthony Younes, Jake Foster, Samundra Nepal, Naomi Holt, Kyan Rowse, and Nyle Gibbons
As Seasons Pass, Montana Mckay, Georgina Winebank, Ethan Maher, and Peter Whitmore
Attic Mates [Animation], Luke Avis
At Wit's End [EP], Janco Blom
Audio Portfolio : XAELA 3D Modelling, Extinction [Short film], Owen Jones, Jacob Wright, Bech Gray, Gaspare McFayden, Georgia Bell, and Chinching Lim
Australian Radio History : An in-depth study into the development of A.M. radio broadcasting throughout Australia, Bruce Carty
AVRON Chemical Imbalance [Music Video], Ryan Hall, Gibran Robinson, and Veronica Dahdal
Bad Habit [Short Film], Charlotte White
BAY6, Rico Zantua and Mark Encarnacion
Berserk [Animation], Michael Snow
Beyond Horizon [Game], Andrew Salfinger, Jason Wright, Alex [DrBrick], and Krystian Pawlowski
Beyond The Frame, Craig Martin and Matt Davidson
B.L.A.S.T.E.R [Game], Damien Marrone, David Stewart, Jordan Roget, Ace Cabauatan, Steven Cooper, Koedy Schneider, and Simon De Silva
Blood from the Stone [Animation], Sean O'Donnell and Rhianon Crispin
Blue Dust Radio Drama, Nicholas Dunkley
Boo Ragu [EP], Jai Cougle and Harrison Blackall
Boundless [Game], Daniel Thurman, Harrison Lorraway, and Russell Ayres
Brian Gashema [EP], Tahlia-Rose Coleman
Brian Yoon's Portfolio [Collection], Brian Yoon
Byron the Dolphin, Elly Waite and Joel Cook
Camper Trailer Advertisement Campaign, Ian Hollow and Dylan Shelton
Carpe Diem [Music Video], Reyad Sidawi
Catfungas : Entrent Fungus [Album], Larry Trevillion
Cat Magic [Animation], Joseph McGuire, Rebecca Kim, Keith Issa, Songhee Choo, and Duncan Campbell
Cerberus [Game], Cameron Shepherd, Bilal Abali, Isaac Garpendal, Jesse Nellis, and Albert Latham
Chains of Fate [Game Design], Charlie Wall, Megan Sanelli, Kyle Beaton, Jacob Clements, and Tea Cosmas
Charlie and The Hard Times [Album], Jack Donehue and Ryan Humphries
Chilli Gomez Music Videos : Mak Out and The Street, Jessica Carroll
Chippendale: The City of Ats [Illustration Travel Book], Abigail Valleta
City's Pulse, Christopher Korel and Anthea Elsner
CLAW, Bronte Dunning, Hayley Johnson, Sophie Mitchell, Thomas Nicholls, Olivia Castledine, Claudia Large, and Brook Child
Clearcut, Hannah Hong
Close To Your Soul : A Story about Len Dibben, Adam Keogh, Robin Sharman, and Ruairi Murphy
Closure [Short Film], Kevin Rao, Neal Von Dinklage, and Michael McKay
Cognito, Rathana Chor
Coral Sands [EP], Tim Whitten
Cosmic Joke : Universal Neurosis [Album], Callum Ford and Chris Taylor
Cradle to the Grave [Audio], Matthew Owen
Creo HP Gallery Image no. 01, SAE Institute Australia
Creo HP Gallery Image no. 02, SAE Institute Australia
Creo HP Gallery Image no. 03, SAE Institute Australia
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Creo HP Gallery Image no. 10, SAE Institute Australia
Creo HP Gallery Image no. 11, SAE Institute Australia
Creo HP Gallery Image no. 12, SAE Institute Australia
Creo HP Gallery Image no. 13, SAE Institute Australia
Creo HP Gallery Image no. 14, SAE Institute Australia
Cry of Fear [Film], William Farrow, Hamlet Avetisian, Julian O'shanesy, Jaaziel Inocencio, Dean Strothers, Rebecca Gray, Sarah Vella, Emmanuelle Rose, Nazeem Hartley, Daniel Wypych, Braiden Jolly, Adrian Grima, and Patrick Spiers
Cull The Gods [Game], Kevin Tse Kai Wei, Benjamin Gulliver, Neo Sengythinh, and Natasha Alameddine
Daisy Chain [Short Film], Simon Dorosz, Alex Green, Matthew Audino, Christopher Mottram, and Alex Blocher
Dark Imaginings [Animation], David Coghlan, Mark Wearing, and Sean Massey
DDX219.1 23T3 Jaymi Salt, SAE Institute Australia
DDX219.1 23T3 Sierra Fox, SAE Institute Australia
DDX219.1 23T3 Zyrille DeLeon, SAE Institute Australia
Dilano Castel : Do you remember [EP], Dilano Castel
Dis-Illusion [Animation], Daniel Maun, Vanja Sorokin, Maddison Becke, Jordan Steel, and Cody Gillmeister
DJ Waxx - P.L.U.R [EP], Marko Mijac
Dream Girl [Dr3am Girl], Thomas Marshall, Marcus Van Altena, Lachlan Sullivan-Carey, Alex Zorbas, Ellen Quinn, and Adrian Wulf
Dye Hard [Game], Jonah Quintero, Dave Gulati, David Nikolovski, Hussein Hassain, Allison Luminarias, Jasmine Popovski, Amanda Hone, Glenn Munro, Timothy Berner, and Ruby Patrimonio
Dysphoria On Your Tongue, Linda Tran
Eddie Example : Critical Response [Album], Edward Galinovic, Campbell Brannighan, and Lucas Hunter
EGO Magazine, Abby Lok
E-Klipse : Uncharted Territories [EP], Aaron Lund
Ella [Film], Madison Novak
Employment Advantage [Animation], John Poynton and Alec Lane
Enmore Fijian Adventist Youth Choir EP [EP], Waisiki Tokaduadua
Exiled World [Game], Jeffry Yang and Thomas List
Exotic Matters [Game], Bradley Nisbet,
Faction Conquest [Game], Christopher Ramirez, Janette Sacdalan, Timothy Campbell, Daryl Phornthip, Reece Simmonds, Jordan Ramirez, and Mackenzie Allanson
Fall Away [Music Video], Nicholas Cook, Stefan McRoberts, Rizki Putra, and Yvonne Liaw
Fandangled Birds : A Curated Collection of Fine Feathered Friends, Dana Ferreira
Fatigue, Bailey Day, Adam Watson, Rhiannon Clarke, Colby Gaynes, Cassandra Dumas, Claudia Parsons, Chantelle Lucas, Tabbetha Marshall, Crystal Moonsamy, Daniel Court, Willow Fearns, and Jackson Smith
F_cking With You [Short Film], Declan Boyd and Audrey Bryne
Film finance handbook: how to fund your film, Adam P. Davies and Nicol Wistreich
Flaunt: Designing effective, compelling and memorable portfolios of creative work, Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit
Found Footage [Game], Corey Shepherd, Stephen Willadsen, and Callum Gurney
Freelance Online Publication, Emmot Falconer
Frostellicus : Aussie Hip-Hop [EP], Jesse Basha
Fuel2Fire [EP], Leigh Krampe
GAGA! [Trailer Film], Brendan King and Joseph Wells
Game Fight Sequence : Ballad of Red [Animation], Joe Marshall and Ben McCarthy
GAMMA, Gizela Maartens, Andrew Stodart, Chantelle Lucas, Gia Vu, Casey Renzullo, Andrew Nottage, and Luke Parker
Geoshop, Behrooz Obeid, Grace Kingston, and Duncan Maclean
Ghost Complex Live Studio Sessions, Toby Chantharasy and Emad Ghaffar
GLIMMER VR, Wade Honda and Edward Curtis
Grass Roots Roving Recordings [GRRR], Hamish Muir, Anay Tiwari, Mohit Rao, and Lachlan Ross
Greid: A Mortals Journey [Game], Chris Hayes, Ben Kerr, Jack Espinosa, Vincent Shiou, Kyle Mandla, Ryan Burrows, Trent Leitch, Hallelujah Lantay-Lefkovich, and Palan Surisetty
Guitar Gods, Daniel Shafii
Guitar In Time or GNT [Animation], Geosef Espino, Andito Amperman, Michael Johnson, and Meedum Kim
Guzzler. Australia's Most Wanted [EP], Bryan Phillips and Ben Lustig
H2Owned [Game], Keovilay Saycocie, Connor Howells, Lukas Haak, Tristan Ibanez, Mathew Godfrey, Richard Castellanos, Dimitrios Agoropoulos, Patrick Spiers, Adrian Grima, Bridget Behan, Isabelle Fredericks, and James Peniata
Hachiko and the Painters Mark, Matthew Walker, Amy Strickland, Liam Johnson, and Hong Lim
Heart and Soul [Podcast], Ben Anderson and Zachary Camm
Heirloom [Animation], Robert Stephenson
He Who Pulls The Strings [Game], Samantha Chui, Jack Floyd, Elizabeth Jenson, Stefan Schaening, Breanna Slender, and Mitchell Smith
Hiding In Plain Sight : Space & Time [EP], Jone Cabauatan, Tamsin Eintracht, Warwick Bateman, Brandon Stirrup, and Lionel Lewis
Holding Space [Film], Neve Tobin, Harrison Dwyer, and Bec Truong
Hollowed, Warwick Bateman, Brandon Stirrup, Nathan Mullally, Liam Fretwell, Antonie Richards, and Matthew Moore
Hot Mallow Love [Animation], Peter Ramsay and Juan Redondo
How To Wizard [Game], Steven Nielsen, Nathan Viengkhou, and Jack Kinoial
Human Xerox IV : Communication [Album], Alex Stock
IATP [I Am the Pyromancer], Corey Hines
Ignite Sound Assets [Audio], Matthew Boyd, Corey Welsh, and Russell Toffoli
I Got A Goat, Anton Barker
I'm Only Human [Music Video], Tammy Stephens
In A Pill Bottle [IAPB] : Short film, Jaidyn Bowmaker and Hugo Murrell
Inari's Messenger [Animation], Megan Burbury, Trihn Vuong My, Brigid Crevola, and Sophie Mostogl
Indiana Jones Adventures [Animation], Lizzet Rhor
Inexpensive Techniques to Improve a Listening Space, Jordan Davies
In The Dark [Game], James Bishara, Michael O'Driscoll, Miles Okorn, and Josh Craig
Into The Void [Album], Lucas Hansen, Richard Woodhouse, and Jeff Vella
Introspection [Short Film], Paddy Kavanagh, Jayden Cran, Andrew Archer, Jack Octigan, Adrian Dias, Olivia Douglas, and Liam Beck
I, Of The Public [Audio], Liam Beach and Nev Fridbeug
Irredenta: Under Grotto Hollow [Game], Nathan Girling, Mohammad Issacs, Danielle Ippaso, Sam Massey, Sean Massey, and Kyle Neal
Island 64 : Playable Alpha Video Game Nintendo 64 Style Adventure[Game/Software, Beau Jones, Nathan Borona, Steven Keir, and Gerard Kinsella
IT WASNT ME [Trailer], Alex Skinner, Alex Gillies, Byron Overthrow, and Ryan Cartilage
Joyful [Short Film], Cooper Lindsay, Caleb Rodda, Dominic Price, Thevakumar Selathurai, Jaime Vives, Deanna Devi, Pritish Kumar, Tegan Mitchley, Chloe Steel, Darian Krost, Viva Thompson, Sarah Naike, Reiko Vassie, and Siobhan Lyons
Just Desserts [Short Film], Phoebe Moresby, Ruby Griffiths, Lachlan Shaw, and Jess Li
Just Enough Research, Erica Hall
Kalium Neve Collective : Classica Neve [Deluxe Edition], Emerson Pender
King Coho [EP], Blake Davis, Matt France, Clarke Simpson, Kirk Simpson, and Rhys Tunny
King Me! [Animation], Tyler Tavner and Ang Nyen
King of the Jungle, Jed Casey
Kinship [Animation], Tom De Groot, Jake Molcher, and Cody Goodlet
Knight Fight, Ethan Beales, Harley Webb, Callum Brown, Holly Haywood, Darren Brockbank, and Fraser Williams
Kollective Creatives : Wonderstruck [Album], Cassandra Venturozo
Kubatsirana : To Help Each Other [Documentary], Bryony Zwart and Sarah Rooks
Last Light [Game], David Wells, Daniel Coates-Wiles, Ari Smith, Jason Phan, and Mohammed El-Sayed
Last Stand [Game], John Jackson and Alice Shinnick
Legend of The Oni [Game], Scott Neskovski, Callum Bullard, and Taylor Kissick
Lemon & Pepper, Yee-Hao Ang, Jasmin Stengos, Dut Atem-Yaak, and Jeanel Mateo
Le Rêve Cafe and Previsualisation, Vanessa Tanudjaja
Let Humanity Decide [Animation], Brayden Hill, Rebekah Blackburn, and Paige Marie-Hamilton
Let's Build, Alex Quigley
Light Lines [Animation], Alexander Beitz
Little Bench Design Studio, Courtney Littlefair and Zuleika Von Benecke
Losing Sleep, Jessica Hartley, Monte Rousselet, Sepehr Mogharebinnajafabadi, and Yvonne Liaw
Lunar Harvest [Animation], Joan Linus, Erin Bray-Smith, and Saba Saeidi
Luude [EP], Christian Benson
Major Project Animation Showreel, Red Batallones
Malga Data Stream [EP], Jacob Teague
Medusa [Short Film], Alice Walker, Emma Burchell, Matteo Grasso, Aloysius Yeo, Sarayna Neal, Rebecca Myers, Ashleigh Fitzpatrick, and James Roy
Melbcore does 80s [EP], Anthony Perri and Damian McIntyre
Meritorious [Album], Roseta Cork and Brook Wakeham-Hastie
Microworlds [Animation], William Williams
Milky Way Project [Album], Daniel Ngamotu and Jamaine Ngamotu
Mind Fragment [Album], Campbell Brannighan
Mindful Me, Bec Daws, Daniel Johnson, and Tom Carruthers
Mind The Gap [Film], William Lindesay
Miss Fortune and Twisted Fate, Bryan Hong, Regina Wong, Aaron Stanley, and Alec Kucy
Modus Operandi: Brisbane's Ripper Suspect [Documentary], Zane Watson, David Hodkinson, Jared Wilkinson, Alice Walker, Phoebe Green, Nigel Barnes, Peter Bryson, Sinead Jackson, Damian Moorthy, and Brendon Murray
[Monsters] SAE Graphic Design Collective 2018, Brittany Skehan
Morning of the World [Documentary], Jarvis Macknamara, Natalie Robbyianto, and Lucy Torvaldsen
NATURE, Yiqi Xin
New Life Project [EP], Sampa Tembo, Ben Quinton, Dean Gaffoor, and Luigi Auxilla
Nihilus, Chris Everett
Nina Tanneberger Portfolio, Nina Tanneberger
Ome [Game], Christian McFarlane, Jacob Macdonald:, Jarrah Holt, and Joshua Bierach-Glavich
ONE Studio [Design], Olivia Aquilina, Nattapong Prugsaritanon, and Eugene Yeap
Only Yes Is Yes: The Zine About Enthusiastic Consent, Denise Lopez
On The Run [EP], Brendon Petrika, Ymf Cloud, Ziggy Jetson, Yung Guch, Youi [Artist], Oyo Hunna, and Kyle Chorley
On The Same Wavelength, Angus McLean
On The Verge : I'm Here [EP], Virgil Wright
Opulence [Game], Fergus Hamilton, Polly Stein, Oliver Vincent, and Riley Wells
Paint It Red, Ellen Quinn
Papercuts, Elizabeth Bognar
Paper Thoughts [Album], Liam Kennington and Corey Batley
Paracosm, Alex Pinsky, Brieanna Marsden, Emmanuel Prempeh, Kyle Hodson, Connor Harris, Rizki Putra, David Broad, Gabrielle Young, Cameron Green, and Josie Marsden
Paranormal Walkabout [Trailer], Joanne Ugle
Parisian Jam [Film], Rohan Bates and Malcolm Sparks
Parrish Rogue, Luke Barranca, Riley Gill, George Hare, and Jennifer Griffiths
Pastel Clouds : Milk Arcade [EP], Lin Nguyen
Path to Victory [Game], Mayu Lee, Jack Pearce, and Thayden Purcell
PD Calendar, Brian Woolchul
Physical Release [EP], Matthew Moore
Playsocket Productions: Parcel Pursuit [Game], Isabela Ruiz and Joshua Trusz
PLVNETS : CosmoGenesis [EP], Michael Black
Poison Hearts Creative Development, Millicent Braithwaite-Evans
Posthumous Forgiveness [Short Film], Evelyn Rojas Gomez, Regina Wong, Bryan Hong, Ian Abarca, Samson Damondo, Ava Knight, and Chris Gardiner
Practical Studio Techniques : A Practical Approach, Tom Misner Dr
Prelude to War [Animation, Trailer], James Applegate, Jayden Myers, Bella Au, and Daniel Vila
Project D.A.V.E [EP], David Marshall
Project SOREDEMO [Animation], Rebecca Kelly, Shavarna Gibson, Rhakiesha Clinch, and Charles Inopiquez
Purple Turtle : Davina's Stone [Game], Marcus Day, David Hanna, Andre Clemente, Dominic Lafaele, Tan Eugene, Daud Sirapandji, and Tom Maxfield
PUSHXRMAN : Baked Beats [EP], Tarson Te Hakena Parkyn and Jakoba Long
Puzzled Love [EP], Aaron Brown
Quest for the missing animals, Connor Rippon
R3SET, Andrew Hassett, Mark Ignacio, Syriff Mo Attamimi, Jack Lobo, and Josh Youwa
R3 Zine, Mary-Clare Perez
Ragdoll Rumble [Game], Cameron Mullins, Stephen Cavaleri, Cameron Davis, Ivy Ha, Siobhan Lyons, and Genevieve Olencewicz
Raiders of the Void [Game], Aston Olsen, Kyle Runeckles, Edmond Martens, and John Feltham
RapAround [Film], Sammy Maynard-Brewer, Jehmal Pitt, Mitch Sisco, and Dan Ward
Ra Ra Viper, Harrison Tesser, Thomas Deans, and Blake Evans
Rats [Film], Jarrod Coslovich, Grace Neave, Kevin McMahon, and Daynia Conklin
Razors Edge [EP], Daniel Butters
Realm Keeper : Rise of Tiscidious [Game], Henry Hildas
Red Sea [Audio], Brayden De Castro, Jonathan Jabbour, and Alex Ojeda
Renegade Mission [Game], Connor Blythe, Jai Gaddes, Lachlan James, Gizmo McCarthy, and Alexander Ryan
Requiem.exe [Game], Troy McAnally, Erin Hall, and Lionel Hobden
Return [Game], Simon Furrer, Chris Grierson, Kyle Gordon, Shane Lambert, Dayne Johnson, and Ho Yin Wong
Rhythm Hunter [Game], Lucky Hawton
Right Here Right Now Compilation Vol.1[Album], Izaac Wilson
Ronnie & Bennie [EP], Ronnie (Producer) and Bennie (Singer/Songwriter)
Royalty Noise [Website, EP], Binyam Alemu, Daniel Richardson, Yos H. Bekele, Justin Emmett, Nadav Rayman, and Tom Rawles
Sad King Billy's TikTok Universe, Julian Peet
Sand and Deliver [Animation], Roy Whatmough
Scarlet Dance [Animation], Carlos Gago, Diana Rahem, and Fionnghuala Lyons
Seadogs [Animation], Benedicto Wiputra, Aaron Foo, and Samuel Bourke
Seasons : A series by Liana and Friends [Audio], Liana Ford-Gilbert
Senerath Bungalow [Short Film], Mark Lakruwan
Severed [Film], Taylor Scott, Adrian Wulf, Marcus Van Altena, Yumma Masood, Ellen Quinn, Styliana Barn, Palan Surisetty, Trent Leitch, Umang Sharma, Thu-Huong Bui, Tom Paino, Thomas Marshall, and Jared Hill
Shattered Mural [Design], Madeline Bezic, Bushra Khanum, Mateo Gomez, Bushra Khanum, Arut Sumleethong, Anthony Warland, William Kun, Jan Reodique, and Mila Oei
Sitting Inside [Short Film], André Adur and Joel Cook
Snatched [Animation], Aiden Clasky, Jackson Higgins, Leon Ho, Hernan Luzardo, Scott Machin, Trevor Mizzi, and Ognjen Stetic
Solitary [EP], Lachlan Ross
SOPHA SOUND: Iterations vol. 1; Breaks Tape 01 [EP], Lachlan Kelly, Ryan Viertel, Charlie Kurthi, Liam Del Prete, and Adam Mammone
Soundscapes [Audio], Sebastian Priou and Sercan Karakis
Spliced [Animation], Charlie Chau and Christina Pericleous
Statuesque Movements, Cardin Farnham
Stike [Animation], Michael Hang and Lorenzen Fuentes
Still Standing, Michael Horafios and Piotr Kohnke
Stolen Identity [Documentary], Bonny-Rose Townsend, Tammy Stephens, Gareth Weston, Rhys Bly, Josh Kijak, and Dawid Poniatowski
Study in Brisbane 360 : Story of Venus and Kalesh, Tyler Zhang, Venus Ko, and Kalesh Selvam
Take My Wife Out [Short Film], Terese Ellis, Tarrant Hartstone, Benjamin Pfeiffer, Rob Viney, and Andy Hill
Talk Doesn't Cook Rice, Sally Lao
Tethered [Game], Jordan Alty, Lachlan Brown, Duncan Corrigan, Chris Eickelman, and Aiken Parker
Textures : Sample Technicians, Ewan Colvin
Thanos Palace Hotel : The Contract [Film], Gabriel Gaby, Cleon Givergies, and Jatin Sood
The Art of Eight Limbs [Film], Montana May Josh, Alejandro Prieto, Jon De Vulver, Joe Mie-Sarmiento, Angie Sora, Hasan Kassid, Jesse Di Noia, John Tompkins, and Khan Tezcan
The Bunny Killer Project, Phillip Nguyen
The Buried, Nathan Davey, Adam Edward, Jordan Hennessy, Chester Hogg, and Thomas Addis
The Chaology Saga, Bailey Curtis, Brett Dubbelman, Owen Henry, and Tomas Staszak
The Couch [Film], Deyako Farooqi, Lachlan Moss, Alex Luong, Justin Quach, Jordan Westman, and Kie Lay
The Crook, The Brother and The Boss [Short Film], Aidan Parkes and Liam Regent
The Disasterpiece, Aaron Sciortino, Kaleb Rheinberger, Brittany Jacinto-Garcia, Déshan Mendes, Soledad Hassett, and Oskar Helmore
The Ethereal Trials: Concept Art Book, Cindy Li
The Fortuna Circle, Ella Boon, Laura Cunningham, Nick Svensson, Abbey Janssen, Tara Turpin, and Isabelle Hedger
The Friend Who Waits For You, Nicola Farquhar-Smith
The Fuse Collective, May West and Kathryn Anem
The Garden of the Prophet [Audio Book], Carlos Negrete
The Great Escape [Animation], Matt Fajardo
The Grey Album [EP], Julia Goyen
The Journeyman, Rhys Rogers, Morgan Knox-Lee, and Liam Swan
The Kobold Guide to Board Game Design, Mike Selinker
The Limbs : Pressure [EP], Dale Nelson, Jack Frawley, Georgia Wrightstone, Alexandria Nordem, and Connor Macnab
The Loudness War: How listeners tend to react to the side effects of hyper-compression, limiting and waveform clipping [Major Project - Dissertation], Diego A. P. Salema Reis
The Night Shift [Game], Blake Lindsay-Little, Martin Evans, John Dimond, Isaac Turnbull, and Jessica McMahon
The Novack Project [Film], Winston Tjahjadi, Krishan Mistry, Daniel Sianipar, Aidan Haralambidis, Anurag Sapkota, Quang Nguyen, Jasmine Quintero, and Jeremy Ong
The One [Short Film], Aiden Lombard, Josh Phegan, Judo Manyang, Drazic Cox, and Liam Aheam
The Op, Justin Zerner and Shaun Steinebronn
The Oracle of Uncertainty Tarot, Nikolai Zontov
The Other Side Of Me [Short Film], Vijay Nair
The Path [Film], Grant Kay and Brittany Drury
The Pixels [EP], Callie Hoskin and Linda Tran
The Right Track, Kate Grubelich
The Rusty Bean Cafe & Lounge, Nariman Nasser
The Sanctuary, Thomas Hartley
The Stillness [EP], Brendan Caulfield
The Victim [Short Film], Joshua Tindall, Taylor Nagle, Tara Sharpe, and Minn-oo Aung
The Viewer [Short Film], Millicent Norman, Kayna Staats, and Jakob Hartup
The Void Below [Game], Matt Batchelor, Luke Kaalim, Max Lanzetti, Nichelle Nolan, and Joel Van De Vorstenbosch
Things To Do With A Giant Squid, Hannah Amos
This Is The Way, Jack Stockton, Roe Bonnici, Shae Cartledge Giovinazzo, Anita Jankovic, Jane Mancini, Risith Reddy Kallu, Kate Brooks, Brian Hill, Davin Singh, Kate Brooks, Daniel Andrew, Jackie Vuong, Vex Hatfield, Olivia Vertsonis, Stephan Long, Ben Anderson, and Lachlan Hol
This May Hertz [Game], Ashlee Nielsen, Trent Curtis, and Mark Kram
Threads : A collection of unravelling thoughts, Francesca Rengel
Three Counts [Short Film], Ema-Lee Jones MacDonald, Nikkita Snelleksz, Alanah Hearn, Chelsea Slingers, and Jesse Smith
Tom & Maddie's Trip to the Zoo, Mariah Polyzoidis and Adam Luna
To The End Of The Abyss [TTEOTA], Trent Williams and Alanna Breedon
Toy Soldier [Short Film], Ben Thompson, Kaleb Rheinberger, Michael Eman, Nyapal Duac, Ben Payton, Henry Glenister, and Boris Borokhov
Transitions [EP], Desmond Ng, Jordan Abbott, Phill Smith, Kaelan Woolfrey, and Josh Maddison
Tribal: Frontier Siege [Games], Tom Monaghan and Thomas Newman
Twenty Eights [Short Film], Amy Gibbs, Arnold Muza, Christodoulos Procopiou, Jennah Bannear, Sammy Maynard-Brewer, and Fionn Lynch
Twins [VR Game], Alexander Antoun
UMBRA : Between dark and Light [Game], Richard Tilbury and Michael Radny
Underdogs, Dylan Bello, Daniel Atchia, Brendan Cranfield, Harry Emmanuel, Luke Barratt, Luke Miller, Ethan Watson, Gemma Ramage, Harry Eekyn, and Kris Pen
Under The Clothesline [Short Film], Kimberley Hodgkinson, Zoe Walton, Matt Holns, Cory Roulston, and Dakota Feeney
Under The Octagon [Album], Scott Charlesworth, Aiden Yasa, Kurtis McGarrity, and Nicholas Chandler
Undying Lands : Down Under [EP], Jack Book and Liam Foster
UNHEARD:PINNED [Album], Ben Pfeiffer, Danielle Carlow, Daniel Cross, Matthew Osborne, and Alec Lane
Unholy Nazarene : Hate Manifest [EP], Benjamin McKinnie
Untitled [EP], Simon Foster
Untitled Platformer [Game], Arielle Weekly, Luc Holland, Farrah Nouri, Antony Clements, and Ray Zhang
Up In The Down, Jani Horn, Jayden Liddelow, Talia Smith, Thomas Trouchet, and Adam Mwangi
Vantablak Daeth : The Djazz Album, Neil Vyass, Thomas Campbell, Richard Grimm, and Tom Clarke
Verbalize, Kyan Rowse, Anthony Younes, Nyle Gibbens, Jordan Budge, Jake Foster, Radhika Phand, Eric Tse, Anton Barker, Sidartha Dipayhana, and Jason Paul
Violet Hubris [Game] : Original Soundtrack, Mohit Rao
Voices: 3 Track Single [EP], Saurev Manandhar
Waiting Room [Animation], Samantha Chu, Catie Vandenberg, and Eamon Smith
Walk This Road With Me [Short Film], Taylor Robins, Jess Barnes, Casey Renzullo, Ava Knight, and Chloe Schmidt
White Moon, Anna Brockless, Sean Dixon, Luke Marsden, Josh Kijack, and Alex Harkins
Women in Stereo [Podcast], Kelly Armstrong and Erin Stannard
Wrong Side of Time [Trailer], Erin Atkins
Xenoku [Game], Bryce Prince, Alex Wyld, Brandan Line, Anthony Bullmore, Taylah McLennan, Ari Dang, and Monte Rousselet
Yacht [VR], James Siebert and Jared Hill
Yalla Yalla_Not Ordinary, Mika Thwaites
Yellow, Jessica Chan and Lucy Torvaldson
YUGEN [Film], Kousha Kavoosi and Olivier Pujol
Zany Janey, Destiny Harding
Zero Leash - Shot Fox [Weathered EP], Michael Wellings, Isabelle Faulkner, Tamika Buchanan, Will Griffiths, and Casey Renzullo