SAE Major Projects are creative works and associated scholarly research produced by SAE University College students in the last trimester of their Master's or Bachelor's course. These projects encompass a range of professional and scholarly mechanisms, drawing upon the production strategies, knowledge, skills and behaviours SAE students have developed throughout their studies.
.Submissions from 2019
The Moon's Gift [Animation], Jennifer Pier
The Nectar of Remixing : I'm No Angel [Music Video], Marie Ellen FitzGerald
The Novack Project [Film], Winston Tjahjadi, Krishan Mistry, Daniel Sianipar, Aidan Haralambidis, Anurag Sapkota, Quang Nguyen, Jasmine Quintero, and Jeremy Ong
The OP [Film], Justin Zerner and Shaun Steinebronn
The Oracle of Uncertainty Tarot, Nikolai Zontov
The Shape of Change: Australia & New Zealand [Episode 1, Documentary], Jan Constantin Quast
Threads : A collection of unravelling thoughts, Francesca Rengel
Three Counts [Short Film], Ema-Lee Jones MacDonald, Nikkita Snelleksz, Alanah Hearn, Chelsea Slingers, and Jesse Smith
Time And Coincident [Sound], Anin Rafsun
T.I.M.E [Game], Elle Colaiaco, Jen Barker, and Cam McLean
Tom & Maddie's Trip to the Zoo [Publication], Mariah Polyzoidis and Adam Luna
Toy Dog, Cookie Jar, I Love Hue [Animation], Andrew Leeder
Transitions [EP], Desmond Ng, Jordan Abbott, Phill Smith, Kaelan Woolfrey, and Josh Maddison
Tribal: Frontier Siege [Games], Tom Monaghan and Thomas Newman
TurtleHack [Game], Benjamin Drury
Undying Lands : Down Under [EP], Jack Book and Liam Foster
Up In The Down [Film], Jani Horn, Jayden Liddelow, Talia Smith, Thomas Trouchet, and Adam Mwangi
Verdant™ Brand [Design], Timothy Kraft
Video Avenue : Just Friends [Music Video], Aaron Nixon
Wasteless Magazine, Grace McVeigh, Charlene Jardim, and Bella Salerno
Zahra Creative Branding and Website [Design], Charlotte Howells
Zany Janey, Destiny Harding
Submissions from 2018
Alphabet Explorer [Game], Amelia Prevedoros, Christopher Wrigley, Mark Singca, and Dean Wilkins
Ameria's Harmony [Game], Jemma Thompson, Gabbi Miller, James Reynolds, and Gypsy De Ryter
APUG [Audio], Adam Timol, Claire Protas, and Samuel Mansfield
A Quick Journey through Time [Film], Brendan Goubareff
A Robot's Magic [Animation], Jarrod Mayor and Rebecca Parker
Asha [Film], Fahad Yousuf, Ayaz Butt, Nabeel Khalid, and Kiara Martinovic-Kellerman
Atashi : Promo [Animation, Game], Cate Garrett and Emily Dampster
At Wit's End [EP], Janco Blom
AVRON Chemical Imbalance [Film], Ryan Hall, Gibran Robinson, and Veronica Dahdal
Bad to the Bone [Game], Paul Frame, Darryl Long, Nicholas Duxbury, Victor Weidar, Aline Otreus, Cheuk Wong, and Yui Ming Lam
Berserk [Animation], Michael Snow
Beyond Horizon [Game], Andrew Salfinger, Jason Wright, Alex [DrBrick], and Krystian Pawlowski
B.L.A.S.T.E.R [Game], Damien Marrone, David Stewart, Jordan Roget, Ace Cabauatan, Steven Cooper, Koedy Schneider, and Simon De Silva
Bonehenge [EP], Daniel Keen and Maddison Barker
Build-A-Bot : Trailer [Animation], Felicity Cooper
Camper Trailer Advertisement Campaign [Film], Ian Hollow and Dylan Shelton
CarnEvil [Game], Matthew Young, William O'Shea, and Jessica Bush
Chesterfield [Album], Jack McBryde
Chippendale: The City of Ats [Illustration Travel Book], Abigail Valleta
CIEN: The Process [Album], Jesse Pinkowski, Patrick Ozoemena, and Cein D'Costa
City's Pulse [Design], Christopher Korel and Anthea Elsner
Close To Your Soul : A Story about Len Dibben, Adam Keogh, Robin Sharman, and Ruairi Murphy
Clover [Magazine], Jeremy Parsonson
Cognito [Design], Rathana Chor
Coilinator Meltdown [Game], Pasha Brel, Haydar Sahin, Daniel Phil, Ben Chapman, John Baker, and Maddy Benporath
Creative Collective : The Forest [Animation], Rebecca Jones, Stuart Meyer, and Sujahn Shankar
Crimson Keep [Game], Tiryon Williams, Solomon Hartmann, Takaaki Kumazawa, Jonothan Orton, Emily Laimanovska, Ian Zhou, Oscar Herry, and Delwyn Appiah
Crystalis [Game], Saffron Stankiewicz, Alissa Juett, and Cherize Britz
Cyneon [Game], Mohamad Al Rida, Amin Bahsa, and Rhys Moses
DLVRNC [Album], David Forcier, Lewis Hodgson, Tamlyn Martinovich, and Thomas Meldrum
Druid: Revolution [EP], Howard Rhodes
Dungeons of Aarkos [Game], Adrian Kawecki and Satya Wirawan
Fall Away [Film], Nicholas Cook, Stefan McRoberts, Rizki Putra, and Yvonne Liaw
Fay Street: The Anti Shadow EP & BARK, Groovetrain Single, Benjamin Napier
Free Bilboes [Film], Austyn Hartley, Chris Yip, Michael Dang, Krishna Viswanathan, and Carl Tamayo
Human Xerox IV : Communication [Album], Alex Stock
Ignite Magazine, Natalie Edwards and Clara Jacobsen
I'm Only Human : Music Video, Tammy Stephens
Indiana Jones Adventures [Animation], Lizzet Rhor
Island Heart [Game], Joshua Bidwell, Meryl Holloway, Riley Guerin, and Chiara Tallarico
I Will Prevail : The fight for your eco soul [Game], Cameron Clayton, Jarrod Whittaker, Narisa MacLeod, and Sam Ludinski
Kajoja [Design], Marya Rashid
King of the Jungle [Animation], Jed Casey
KIRIN Productions: Room [Music Video], Sun Ting Chan, Ching Hsu, Zhenbo Zhang, and Tsz Fung Billy Tsang
Knight Fight [Game], Ethan Beales, Harley Webb, Callum Brown, Holly Haywood, Darren Brockbank, and Fraser Williams
Labours [Game], Aidan Kwong, Lachlan Kell, Elouise Trewartha, Passamon Choensawat, James Popovski, Zachary Gilfoyle, Catherine Kerr, and Sandra Kina
Let Humanity Decide [Animation], Brayden Hill, Rebekah Blackburn, Paige Marie-Hamilton, and Arya Rayne
Light & Dark [Film], Aswin Asogar, Eoghan Barltrop, Austyn Hartley, Theodora Vatubua, Tessa Sobolski, Dayse Almeida, Jasmine Phabmixay, Lachlan Quaife, Claire Protas, Hiba Batta, and Ivy Ha
Little Rover [Game], Jake Garrett
Losing Sleep [Film], Jessica Hartley, Monte Rousselet, Sepehr Mogharebinnajafabadi, and Yvonne Liaw
[Monsters] SAE Graphic Design Collective 2018, Brittany Skehan
Morph [Animation], Bradley Ellis, Max Hanson, and Ryan Butt
Nihilus [Album], Chris Everett
Not For The Faint Of Heart [Game], Abdulrahman Abdulkarim and John MarK F. Adriano
Outsource : Crystal Empire & Project STC, Alyssa Poland
Persafeelance: Last Chance Love [Album], Ben Schulze
Perspective [Game], Jacob Blanch, Trent Dickson, Noah Seymour, and Kellem Porteous
Project Artimus [Game], Ewan Winter, Hayden Price, Cody Horrocks, Renee Park, and Taylor Pampling
Puzzled Love [EP], Aaron Brown
Razors Edge [EP], Daniel Butters
Razzle Dazzle: Colouring-in Book [Design], Harris Thomsen
Remembrance [Game], Troy Martens, Brady Johnston, Nick Parker, Matthew Von Wilpert, Ben Houghton, and Sacha Lamont
Rhythm Hunter [Game], Lucky Hawton
Right Here Right Now Compilation Vol.1[Album], Izaac Wilson
Ronnie & Bennie [EP], Ronnie (Producer) and Bennie (Singer/Songwriter)
RPM INC [Selfless Orchestra], Rebecca Parker, Jarrod Mayor, Steve Hughes, and Bri Clarke
Sandpapaer productions : Film Posters, Jed Vison, Christine Nguyen, Cameron Turner, Taylor Pettigrew, Ben Lister, Declan Kindness, Brittany Moore, Claudia Walton, Jerusha Bishop, Riley Guerin, Carter Pierce, and Paw Nay Blu Aung
Split the Party [Game], Sholto Collins, Tristan Shaw, and Yi Yuan
Stolen Identity [Documentary], Bonny-Rose Townsend, Tammy Stephens, Gareth Weston, Rhys Bly, Josh Kijak, and Dawid Poniatowski
Study in Brisbane 360 : Story of Venus and Kalesh [Film], Tyler Zhang, Venus Ko, and Kalesh Selvam
Sweet Necromancy [Animation], Caytlin Parker
Tales from Midgard : Part 1 Ragnarok [Animation], Connor Staubs
Talk Doesn't Cook Rice [Design], Sally Lao
Thanos Palace Hotel : The Contract [Film], Gabriel Gaby, Cleon Givergies, and Jatin Sood
Thassanor's Writ [Album], Ross Stephenson
The Answers, Thomas Stefoulis
The Brain Eater [Film], Ho Chon Tou
The First Children [Design], Alba Tessarolo