SAE Major Projects are creative works and associated scholarly research produced by SAE University College students in the last trimester of their Master's or Bachelor's course. These projects encompass a range of professional and scholarly mechanisms, drawing upon the production strategies, knowledge, skills and behaviours SAE students have developed throughout their studies.
.Submissions from 2017
Vague As [EP], Andrey Dinov
Vertigo Seek: Guardians of Eternal Youth [Album], Darcy Howard and Daniel Carr
Waiting Room [Animation], Samantha Chu, Catie Vandenberg, and Eamon Smith
Yellow [Animation], Jessica Chan and Lucy Torvaldson
Zera [Game], Nathan Sharp, Jessey Napthali, and Preston Hawkes
Submissions from 2016
Audio A`la Tuaz : The Veg [EP], Chris Tuazon, James McGowan, and David Tsolakkis
BAY6 [Design], Rico Zantua and Mark Encarnacion
Cannibal Johnson : Raw Beat Vol. 1 [Album], Aiden Benavides
Carte Blanche [EP], Jamie Griffiths
Chickuzi [Game], Jarred Gruss, Anthony Hope, Jhett Black, Parthiv Mehta, and Stewart Coates
Cosmic Joke : Universal Neurosis [Album], Callum Ford and Chris Taylor
Cybernetic Structures, Thabo Milton-Jonas
Deep Trouble [Animation], Jemima Gamble, Carly Ross, Chris Powell, and Brent Skinner
Dragon Brew [Design], Mason Anderson
Exotic Matters [Game], Bradley Nisbet,
Fleck : Xylino [EP], Rick Reeves
Future Fate : Fat Synthesiser [EP], Christopher White and Shane Yates
Generation [Game], Samuel Curtis, Caleb Schurmann, Steven Archibald, Steven Williams, Aydn Farkas, and Daniel Johnston
Hana [Game], Tavis Molyneux, Corey Smith, Adelaine Baltazar, Joel Simmons, Joffre Arteaga, and Anthony Cherfan
Heirloom [Animation], Robert Stephenson
Hyjinx - Live at The Catfish, Kieran Tucker and Brodie Everest
Incapacitor [Game], Harrison O'Connor, Liam Harvey, Benjamin Welsh, Kate Lulham, Che Hubbard, Hamish Standfield, and Aiden Pedemont
Jordan Calisti : Top 40 Takeover [EP], Jordan Calisti
Luude [EP], Christian Benson
Metamorphosis [Album], Mohammed Ayad and Julian Michel
NeonKnight [Game], Ashley Muir, Connor Mackay, Shaun Allen, Luke Wilmot, Rohan Cruickshank, and Lachlan Murray
Nimbus : Fire Horizon [EP], Chris Holcombe
Noctambulant Episode 1 : Burning Girl [Podcast], Borgan Fletcher and Duncan Alexander
Not By Blood [Film], Jacqueline English
Octopus Rift [Game], Victoria Crittle, Matthew Finlay, Stefano Deflorio, Jeehon Oh, Jared Avnell, and Christopher Yabsley
Ome [Game], Christian McFarlane, Jacob Macdonald:, Jarrah Holt, and Joshua Bierach-Glavich
Opposer: The Bottom Of It All [Album], Anthony Pallas and Laurence Appleby
PiSound : All About Janet [Audio], Epi Halim
Planeterrium Audio : Exotic Matters, Matt Cato and Terri Bellem
Pocari Sweat EP : Space Wave Soundtrack, Nick Emms and Trevor Torelli
Pushing Limits - Afrolectric [Sound], Mohamed Audeh and Nseh Tangban
Rendezvous [Animation], Isaac Gordon, Mahdi Mac, Hamish Collins, Catherine Glynn, Harley Williams, and Caleb Williams
Renegade Mission [Game], Connor Blythe, Jai Gaddes, Lachlan James, Gizmo McCarthy, and Alexander Ryan
Robinson Strange : Bluebird & Carcanaught Carl: OST, Eden Hood
Slippery [EP], Earle Payne, Joe Goddard, Max Harris, Ben Hayward, Dylan Clay, and Espa Petridis
Snatched [Animation], Aiden Clasky, Jackson Higgins, Leon Ho, Hernan Luzardo, Scott Machin, Trevor Mizzi, and Ognjen Stetic
Soulful House/Deep House EP, Jason Morphett
Spliced [Animation], Charlie Chau and Christina Pericleous
Spread The Carnivirus [EP], David Harper
The City Loop Show [Podcast], Joshua Bussell, Mostafa Monsour, and James Wajura
The Hights [EP], Dion Sharp, Josh Appleboom, Joshua Reuben, and Sarah Bush
The Soli Tesema [EP], Keenan Wardrope, Soli Tesema, Cameron Tegg, and Stuart Willet
Tide and Glory [Game], Izaak Jobling, Etienne Gonthier, Jake Aquilina, Melody Richards, and Shane Rands
Top 40 Takeover, Jordan Calisti
Turning Point [Animation], Alex James and Daniel Miltinan
Unholy Nazarene : Hate Manifest [EP], Benjamin McKinnie
Untitled : A Collaborative [EP], Jarred Harris, Ross Trodden, and Paul Hojjati
Zenvar [Audio], Joshua Nicholson, James Donovan, and Daniel Fried
Submissions from 2015
Another Bad Day [Animation], Cedrick Boiteux, Jaysun Spinks, Aron Daniels, Kaveh Abdollahi, Daniel Baird, Herremia Rosieur, Aaron Kay, and Shean Dignan
Audiowalker [Audio], Jane Harse
Awakening the Angel of Darkness: An Educational Production, Lachlan Grannall
Black Mamba : Snake Chalmer [EP], Taryn Neubronner
Carpe Diem : Music Video, Reyad Sidawi
Catfungas : Entrent Fungus [Album], Larry Trevillion
Charlie Stewart : JordOn Hams [EP], Charlie Stewart, Jordon Hams, Allery Pope, and Charlie Langfield
Closure [Short Film], Kevin Rao, Neal Von Dinklage, and Michael McKay
Daisy Chain [Short Film], Simon Dorosz, Alex Green, Matthew Audino, Christopher Mottram, and Alex Blocher
"Daniel Ruggero: Works" CD, Daniel Ruggero
Deep Delirium [Game], Jennifer Archibald, Jarrad Clarke, Kyle Coutts, Robert Greaney, Sabrina Messina, and Mitchell Williamson
Dilano Castel : Do you remember [EP], Dilano Castel
Dis-Illusion [Animation], Daniel Maun, Vanja Sorokin, Maddison Becke, Jordan Steel, and Cody Gillmeister
E-Klipse : Uncharted Territories [EP], Aaron Lund
Faction Conquest [Game], Christopher Ramirez, Janette Sacdalan, Timothy Campbell, Daryl Phornthip, Reece Simmonds, Jordan Ramirez, and Mackenzie Allanson
F_cking With You [Film], Declan Boyd and Audrey Bryne
Guzzler. Australia's Most Wanted [EP], Bryan Phillips and Ben Lustig
Hot Mallow Love [Animation], Peter Ramsay and Juan Redondo
Hybrid Experiment : David D Production [EP], David Da Fonseca
Inexpensive Techniques to Improve a Listening Space [ Film], Jordan Davies
I Swear the Weather is Mocking Me : A Man Called Midnight [EP], Benjamin Greig, Ben Harper, Daniel Brennen, Dave Russell, Guy Cooper, Josh Jorgensen, and Zac Hutchings
Kalium Neve Collective : Classica Neve [Deluxe Edition], Emerson Pender
Kaper Soup Records [EP], Kasper Skou
King Coho [EP], Blake Davis, Matt France, Clarke Simpson, Kirk Simpson, and Rhys Tunny
King Me! [Animation], Tyler Tavner and Ang Nyen
Kumiko and the Dragon [Audiobook], Ananda Duffy, Abbey Harper-Green, and Bran Rihan
Last Light [Game], David Wells, Daniel Coates-Wiles, Ari Smith, Jason Phan, and Mohammed El-Sayed
Legend of The Oni [Game], Scott Neskovski, Callum Bullard, and Taylor Kissick
Lemon & Pepper [Design], Yee-Hao Ang, Jasmin Stengos, Dut Atem-Yaak, and Jeanel Mateo
Light Lines [Animation], Alexander Beitz
Love Bakudan [EP], Ashton Brock
Melbcore does 80s [EP], Anthony Perri and Damian McIntyre
Microworlds [Animation], William Williams
New Life Project [EP], Sampa Tembo, Ben Quinton, Dean Gaffoor, and Luigi Auxilla
Nocturne [EP], Nickita Usoltsev
On The Verge : I'm Here [EP], Virgil Wright
Path to Victory [Game], Mayu Lee and Jack Pearce
Playsocket Productions: Parcel Pursuit [Game], Isabela Ruiz and Joshua Trusz
PLVNETS : CosmoGenesis [EP], Michael Black
PolyKnight [Game], Luke Henrickson, Richard Stein, Joseph Donovan, Margaret Constable, and Guy Dixon
Project Dozer [EP], Matthew Barron
Protologic : Sever [EP], Shaun Tester and Reuben Tester
Purple Turtle : Davina's Stone [Game], Marcus Day, David Hanna, Andre Clemente, Dominic Lafaele, Tan Eugene, Daud Sirapandji, and Tom Maxfield
Royalty Noise [Website, EP], Binyam Alemu, Daniel Richardson, Yos H. Bekele, Justin Emmett, Nadav Rayman, and Tom Rawles
Sand and Deliver [Animation], Roy Whatmough
Seasons : A series by Liana and Friends [Audio], Liana Ford-Gilbert
Space Cadet - Future Frequencies [LP], Coskun Dincel