SAE Major Projects are creative works and associated scholarly research produced by SAE University College students in the last trimester of their Master's or Bachelor's course. These projects encompass a range of professional and scholarly mechanisms, drawing upon the production strategies, knowledge, skills and behaviours SAE students have developed throughout their studies.
.Submissions from 2018
The Forrest : Album and Animated Music Video, Rebecca Jones, Stuart Meyer, and Sujahn Sanker
The Grattenweld incident [Game], Scott Anastasi, Brendan Blanch, and Jacob Chan
The Inside World [Film], Mark Barnett, Taylah Scanlon, Millie Fletcher, Riley Guerin, Connor Arthur, and Kaitlyn Bissell
The Mind Harvest [EP], Chelsy Quintana
The New World : Trailer [3D Modelling], Cameron Nickson
The Point & Click of No Return [Film], Sacha Lamont, Simon Herring, Jamey Brown, Alfonso Lizana, and Ashleigh Linsdell
The Protégé [Film], Henry Ward, Aiman Gebara, and Hsuan-Chu Wang
The Stocker [Game], James Collins, Jordan Miles, Ellen Roberts, Timothy Kelly, Maddy Benporath, and Patrick Matyevich
The Unforgotten : The Tales Lost In Time, Madeleine Dean
Things To Do With A Giant Squid [Film], Hannah Amos
Twins [VR Game], Alexander Antoun
UMBRA : Between dark and Light [Game], Richard Tilbury and Michael Radny
Untitled [EP], Simon Foster
Untitled [Film], Chris Yip, Krishna Viswanathan, Elissa Nelthropp, Austyn Hartley, Michael Dang, Sam Pattison, Gem Moore, Claire Protas, Nathan Byrne, Jake Bugeja, Daniel Ulaiwi, and Morgan Boughey
Vanilla Moon: Shanelle Got Married Tomorrow (Official Music Video), Michael Kuhle, Josh Cee, Rami Slayman, and Joshua Relunia
War Rages Within [Album], Ziad Baydoun
Whiskey & Speed: The Stain You Can't Wash Out/Better Than Expected, Shay Jagger, Adam Higginson, Jaxon Arundell, and Patrick Duck
White Moon [Animation], Anna Brockless, Sean Dixon, Luke Marsden, Josh Kijack, and Alex Harkins
Xenoku [Game], Bryce Prince, Alex Wyld, Brandan Line, Anthony Bullmore, Taylah McLennan, Ari Dang, and Monte Rousselet
Yalla Yalla_Not Ordinary [Film], Mika Thwaites
Zac Graham : Revival [EP], Zac Corbett
Zenith Soul [Album], Carter Pierce, Tavita Muliagatele, and Ronald De Guzman
Submissions from 2017
Ace Space [Film], Lisa Smith, Patrick Brown, and Joshua McKay
Against All Odds [Animation], Emir Salameh
Alune : Silence & Soundscapes [Album], Victor Backius
Alune : Silence & Soundscapes [Album], Victor Backius
Attic Mates [Animation], Luke Avis
Audio Portfolio : XAELA 3D Modelling, Extinction [Film], Owen Jones, Jacob Wright, Bech Gray, Gaspare McFayden, Georgia Bell, and Chinching Lim
A Way We Go [Film], Jacqui Hicks, Brad Klenk, Mehul Bhanti, Shane Burrell, Monique Pompe, and Manual Prieto
Beatdown In Monstertown [Game], Taylor King, Troy Whitten, and Kahne Goldsmith
Black Scissors : D Listed [Animation], Dannielle Jones, Eron Alcantara, Nafisah Darwiche, Dominique de Ronserail, Tenzin Rabsel, and Minjae Jin
Brazen [Game], Dineth Dissanayake, Gareth Haage, Eli Deeth, Toby Welsh, and Jake Garret
Brian Gashema [EP], Tahlia-Rose Coleman
Charlie and The Hard Times [Album], Jack Donehue and Ryan Humphries
Clearcut [Design], Hannah Hong
Cradle to the Grave [Audio], Matthew Owen
Cry of Fear [Film], William Farrow, Hamlet Avetisian, Julian O'shanesy, Jaaziel Inocencio, Dean Strothers, Rebecca Gray, Sarah Vella, Emmanuelle Rose, Nazeem Hartley, Daniel Wypych, Braiden Jolly, Adrian Grima, and Patrick Spiers
Dark Imaginings [Animation], David Coghlan, Mark Wearing, and Sean Massey
Des Shens [EP], Connor Andree and Jack Brock
DJ Mytee A : Who's Money Is It Anyway [Album], Bhrigu Parashar and Alan Fernando
Dye Hard [Game], Jonah Quintero, Dave Gulati, David Nikolovski, Hussein Hassain, Allison Luminarias, Jasmine Popovski, Amanda Hone, Glenn Munro, Timothy Berner, and Ruby Patrimonio
Employment Advantage [Animation], John Poynton and Alec Lane
Eric Ma : Farewell Innocence [EP], Eric Ma
Frostellicus : Aussie Hip-Hop [EP], Jesse Basha
Geoshop [Design], Behrooz Obeid, Grace Kingston, and Duncan Maclean
Ghastly Hollows [Game], Liam Watson, Jori Wright, Joshua Irish-Donges, Zoe Lovitt, Nathaniel Howard, Jadzia Cabrera Venour, Jolon Silk, and Campbell Henderson
G.I.A.N.T.S [Game], Nicholas Staracek, Nic Lyness, Caleb Barton, Jack Kuskoff, Pritish Choudhary, Macauley Bell-Maier, Kerry Ivers, Pete Buck, and Ash Bull
GLIMMER [VR], Wade Honda and Edward Curtis
Gunmetal Crusader: Star Overdrive [Game], Jack McClenaghan, Matthew Davies, Dakota Wood, Tylah Kapa, Joshua Hoare, Fiona Fotheringham, Cate Garrett, Aline Otreus, Jolon Silk, Campbell Henderson, and Chloe Love
H2Owned [Game], Keovilay Saycocie, Connor Howells, Lukas Haak, Tristan Ibanez, Mathew Godfrey, Richard Castellanos, Dimitrios Agoropoulos, Patrick Spiers, Adrian Grima, Bridget Behan, Isabelle Fredericks, and James Peniata
He Who Pulls The Strings [Game], Samantha Chui, Jack Floyd, Elizabeth Jenson, Stefan Schaening, Breanna Slender, and Mitchell Smith
Hi my name's Keely and I like foley, Keely Menzie
Hour of Vengeance: Chapter 1 [Film], Ramzi Khozoui, Milad Nasiri, Xavier Dell, Moussa Thiam, Shivani Sehgal, and Arpita Vaya
IATP [I Am the Pyromancer], Corey Hines
IRIS [Game], Jake Andrews, Ryan Smith, Andrew A.W, Luxia Tang, Taras Spahic, and Mufammad Firdaus bin Ahmed
Irredenta: Under Grotto Hollow [Game], Nathan Girling, Mohammad Issacs, Danielle Ippaso, Sam Massey, Sean Massey, and Kyle Neal
Jazzfunk Railroad : Trust No One [Game], Simon Nguyen and Purvesh Mehta
Kinship [Animation], Tom De Groot, Jake Molcher, and Cody Goodlet
Lacuna [Album], George Hickman, James Reynolds, Jonny Bullpitt, Chloe Cuddihy, and Monica Mendoza
Le Kon7e : 6 Semaines by LÓncle Sam [Album], Samuel Bertin
Live on the Soundstage [Album], Matt Henry, Ethan Detering, Ian Pettingill, Michelle Moyle, Shane Clark, Hannah Kyberd, Liz Powell, Tom Headon, Cam Sheehan, Matilda Hassall, Rose Wilkens, Reinette Joachim, Leeroy Zamudio, Louise Gaul, Caitlyn Adshead, Sabrina Lim-How, David Adshead, Lara West, and Mareesa Ballao
Mahan : The Routine [EP], Mahan Noorinooshabadi
Moonlight Productions : Wotton Street "The Revival", Simon Blackman and Mel Bertram
Morning of the World [Documentary], Jarvis Macknamara, Natalie Robbyianto, and Lucy Torvaldsen
No Offence : Is It In Yet?[EP], Pratik Thapa
Norfolk [Film], Christopher Bax, Mark Ford, Brittney White, Donald Wang, Henry Harly, Jesse Di Noia, and John Cross
Paper Thoughts [Album], Liam Kennington and Corey Batley
Paracosm [Film], Alex Pinsky, Brieanna Marsden, Emmanuel Prempeh, Kyle Hodson, Connor Harris, Rizki Putra, David Broad, Gabrielle Young, Cameron Green, and Josie Marsden
Paranormal Walkabout [Trailer], Joanne Ugle
PD Calendar, Brian Woolchul
Project D.A.V.E [EP], David Marshall
Reclusive Habits LP, Nathan Menage
Refuge: Every Journey Ends [Game], Jacob Duniam, Jordon Dodds, Alex Luthe, and Arthur Finkler
Requiem.exe [Game], Troy McAnally, Erin Hall, and Lionel Hobden
Return [Game], Simon Furrer, Chris Grierson, Kyle Gordon, Shane Lambert, Dayne Johnson, and Ho Yin Wong
Return Soundtrack [Album], Chris Grierson, Kyle Gordon, Shane Lambert, Simon Furrer, Ho Yin Wong, and Dayne Johnson
S.A.D [Animation], Nicky Costi
Senerath Bungalow [Short Film], Mark Lakruwan
Shyness [Animation], Han Xu, Shanyue Pang, and Olga Kokhanova
Sicilian Civilians [Band], Will Jones
Space Crawl [Game], Joshua Textor
Stungg Dolla : Cooked Explosives [EP], Rothangzuala Ralte
Take My Wife Out [Short Film], Terese Ellis, Tarrant Hartstone, Benjamin Pfeiffer, Rob Viney, and Andy Hill
The Art of Eight Limbs [Film], Montana May Josh, Alejandro Prieto, Jon De Vulver, Joe Mie-Sarmiento, Angie Sora, Hasan Kassid, Jesse Di Noia, John Tompkins, and Khan Tezcan
The Fuse Collective, May West and Kathryn Anem
The Great Escape [Animation], Matt Fajardo
The Limbs : Pressure [EP], Dale Nelson, Jack Frawley, Georgia Wrightstone, Alexandria Nordem, and Connor Macnab
The Menu [Film], Melissa Picone and Arabella Rosier
The Rusty Bean Cafe & Lounge [Design], Nariman Nasser
The Sanctuary, Thomas Hartley
The Stillness [EP], Brendan Caulfield
The Uncanny Valley [EP], Simon Clendinning
The Waiting Room [Animation], Caitlin Vandenberg and Samantha Chui
This May Hertz [Game], Ashlee Nielsen, Trent Curtis, and Mark Kram
Through The Eyes Of Others [EP], Lloyd Edgar, John Blinco, Lucas Willmer, Bunitj Miles, Ethan Brown, Nina Tanneberger, Kate Jorgensen, Joshua Sutton, Laurent Dubois, Lee Evans, Liam Desic, James Blinco, Jared Mahon, Jimmy Sky, Pete Ohanlon, Brock Winter, and Korey Williams
Tomb Wight : Brief Moments of Horrifying Clarity, Tom Whyte
Troy Gilchrist Portfolio, Troy Gilchrist
UNHEARD:PINNED [Album], Ben Pfeiffer, Danielle Carlow, Daniel Cross, Matthew Osborne, and Alec Lane
UNTLD|BLUE: Jaykob Frank [EP], Jaykob Frank
Unwelcome (Concept Album), Hadyn Leitch