SAE Major Projects are creative works and associated scholarly research produced by SAE University College students in the last trimester of their Master's or Bachelor's course. These projects encompass a range of professional and scholarly mechanisms, drawing upon the production strategies, knowledge, skills and behaviours SAE students have developed throughout their studies.
.Submissions from 2023
G.A.V.I.N [Film], Chase Donnelly, Wilson Heri, Joshua Robinson, and Adam Bowles
HUG [Game], Ronan Stannett and Chantelle Pearce
I Can't Change The Radio While Driving [Game], Mitchell Heath, Dylan Diangelo, Nick Brown, Michael Sloan, and Ethan Binns
Immortal [EP], Edward Bambach, Heath Lines, and Sofia Grimoldi
Immortal Productions : Knightfall Legacy Of The Time Warrior [Game], Kerim Cicak
Ink and Ivory, Balin Jennings, Jude Boon, Jessica Sonego, Peter Spence, Elle Byrt, Macaela Botha, Nikita Whaurita, Georgia Fleay, Blayke Rietman, Anna Rochford, Peter Packard, Mia Shaw, and Angus Lawrie
Jack Astro [Animation], Harrison Godfrey, Sam Barham, Amaya Dunne, Vincent Caldwell, Gloria Fernando, Ericka Palangan, and Cece Nilsen
Literally Me [Film], Mollie Hine and Max Fintan
Live & Learn [Documentary Film], Alessandro Truong, Namuun Gadin, Kushal Bhattarai, Michael Csanyi, Ned Bacic, Ashish Kafle, and Meghry Mavilian
MAS Magazine [2023], Charan Yembari, Bella Merrifield, and Kiah Richmond
Metalstorm [Game], Bradley Seymour, Mitchell Robinson, and Priyanka Mawson
Mind The Gap [Film], William Lindesay
Of Silk and Sawdust [Film], Jeremy Revel, Liam Currie, Ghina Andriana, Cynthia Widjaja, Amadeus Anggaraksa, and Quang Phung
On Air Freestyle [Audio], Joe Shalala, Shreyansh Shrestha, and Alexander Weeks
Opulence [Game], Fergus Hamilton, Polly Stein, Oliver Vincent, and Riley Wells
Overstim [EP], Kristy Wong and Benjamin Dulieu
PixelHunter : A Colony's Journey [Game], Sean Gill and Layla Gates
Raedan Games : Silly Blobbers, Rachel Stiller
Rhythm Realm [Game], Corey Cole, Troy Virgona, and Moses Choi
Room of Red : The Captured Works of Last Breath [Design], Lachlan Phillips, Chloe Millar, Michael Moutafis, Nathan Nilisen, and Zachary D'Álo
Same Song, Different Melody with Hayley Grace and The Bay Collective, Blake Thew, Taya Clark, and Brenna Bannerman
Sinister Playmates [Animation], Elisabeth Cadogan, Matthew Saliba, and Danielle Wenham
Small Town Mentality, Heath Lines
Solomon Dass: Idle Moments Demos [EP], Solomon Dass
Spartan Games, James Younes
Starfall [Game], Conrad Nicota
Team Jukebox : Gimmick and Bolt [Animation], Citra Christianti, Jeff Wenz, Rachael Wooding, Ethan Dinnie, and James Portelli
The Fan Maker [Animation], Ayla Hoepner, Benjamin Grice, Grace Nean, Scott Buckley, Moemoe Wah, Elizey Rablin, Brendan Hussell, and Gos Brady
The Legend of the Dragonborn [Film], Danny Botham and Brad Fry
The Muse [Film], Jessica Sherlock
The Night Shift [Game], Blake Lindsay-Little, Martin Evans, John Dimond, Isaac Turnbull, and Jessica McMahon
The One Beside Me [Animation], Izzie Del Real, Ashton Lester, Thomas Bissell, Achyuth Vignesh, and Sonny Yang
The Pitch [Film], Aman Singh, Will Jones, Jacob Brown, Aadarsh Subramani, Asher Brown, Jordan Apostolas, Trevor Green, and Jamie Trimmer
Torture Therapy [Film], Lindsay Ward
Trinket [Animation], Alisha Doherty Hough, Crystal Wilkes, and Flynn Everall
Villians Valour [Game], Russell Koh and Teresa Fares
WAAM Production: A Walkthrough Life Promo, Christopher Wesely
Washed In The Blood / The Confession [Film], I Puto Romeo Arsana, Nicholas Prebiotic, and Daniel Prohaska
Writer's Tongue : Making of an EP, Gary Corbett, Amaya Dedes, Grace Brockett, Jack Cooper, Wian Du Toit, and Craig Young
Submissions from 2022
A Girls A Gun : Hill St and Livingstone [EP], Andrew Thomson
Antoine's Big Heist, Jason Kai Zhang and Yovan Stankovic
AXIOM [Game], Aubrey Vegus
Bad Habit [Short Film], Charlotte White
Behind The Sounds [Documentary], Jarrah Hatchett and Orlando Hudson
Birth, Death & Beyond [Music Composition and Porformance], Serena Nesci
Blood and Stone [Game], Tom Bartle, Aaron McDougall, Emma McCaw, Rebekah Broughton, and Rebecca Russell
Blood Under The Moon : An original Audiobook Series [Audiobook], Daniel Doutch
Bloody Gold! The Town, The Night, The Battle: The Story of the Eureka Rebellion, Dean Phillips
Bonsai [Film], Matt Horniblow, Matteo Moglia, Leonard Swiko, Mitchell Rothmann, Phoenix Kuppens-Goodman, Lewis Warriner, Aaron Leung, Charlotte Pither, Tiani Coleshill, John Cooper, Harry Rule, Irene Bevilacqua, and Sarah Taylor
Boo Ragu [EP], Jai Cougle and Harrison Blackall
Burdened 2 Infinity: Until The End [Album], Benjamin Else, Joshua Anthony, Aspen Warner, and Brad Stokes
Cat Food [Film], Gabrielle Brooks, Kaiya Lesniewicz, Alvin Herawan, Sean Kirby, Aanzu Serchen, Namuun Gadinjay, Silas Kerridge, Regan Swaine, and Cassandra Baker
Celestial Bodies [Film], Sam Walcott, Luke Sultana, Jacob Hartup, Jessica Croft, and Kyle Riddell
Chains of Fate [Game Design], Charlie Wall, Megan Sanelli, Kyle Beaton, Jacob Clements, and Tea Cosmas
Chook'n and The Space Time Egg-Splosion! [Game], Andrew Hickin, Kai Bramley, Tom Barlow, Benedict Cavanough, Priyanka Mawson, Ronald Kitcher-Pentey, Dominic Au, Chris Bjoerk, and Thomas Dugdale
CLAW [Film], Bronte Dunning, Hayley Johnson, Sophie Mitchell, Thomas Nicholls, Olivia Castledine, Claudia Large, and Brook Child
Cloud Rush [Game], Ihsan Kirtas, Ken Soun, and Brandon Gartica
Come As You Are : a story routinely told [Film], Rachel Giles
C:\Story [Game], Aaron Leung, Rennick Oakley, Matteo Moglia, Simon Riber-Nielsen, Noah Smith, Libby Hodges, and Noran Linggod
Daisy Didn't Do It [Film], Julian Camilleri, George Cowan, Jesse Matthew, Deng Amol, and Luke Reid
Devil's Critters Brewery, Libby Hodges
Dysphoria On Your Tongue [Design], Linda Tran
First Day [Film], Liam Barnard, Molly Nevin, Nicholas Hammer, Thomas Carboni, Ethan Mallard, Daniel Claus, Emily Hasted, Lucy Plevey, Zion Carrick, Morgan Outtridge, Ryan Woodward, Sarah Weis, Noah Jensen-Mazar, and Alex Rhode
Follower [Film], Daniel Hartmann, Benjamin Rodwell, Joseph Orlina, and Bishoy Girgis
Ghost Complex Live Studio Sessions [Film], Toby Chantharasy and Emad Ghaffar
Grass Roots Roving Recordings [GRRR], Hamish Muir, Anay Tiwari, Mohit Rao, and Lachlan Ross
Ignite Sound Assets [Audio], Matthew Boyd, Corey Welsh, and Russell Toffoli
Introspection [Short Film], Paddy Kavanagh, Jayden Cran, Andrew Archer, Jack Octigan, Adrian Dias, Olivia Douglas, and Liam Beck
Jayden Bloch : Bloch Muse [EP], Jayden Bloch
Just Desserts [Film], Phoebe Moresby, Ruby Griffiths, Lachlan Shaw, and Jess Li
Kukunochi [Animation], Mia Dator, Quan Tran, Naomi Hermans, Conor Atkinson, James Goodchild, Daniel Villa, Jake Mendoza, Abbey Janssen, Dylan Marinko, Michael Gould-Brown, Monica Christina, Charles Warner, Qaliesha Trivino, and Samuel Bourke
Life of Money [Animation], Daniel Villa and Courtney Osborne
Mantis [Film], Vex Hatfield, Mo Mohamed, Cooper Willingham, and Ruby Griffiths
Mindful Me [Design], Bec Daws, Daniel Johnson, and Tom Carruthers
My Own [Film], Clint Dowdell
Only Yes Is Yes: The Zine About Enthusiastic Consent [Design], Denise Lopez
On The Same Wavelength, Angus McLean
Out Of Bounds [Film], Sacha Orloff
Pièrrce De Résistance [Film], Eryn Hilditch, Darryl Wong, Nina Pejcic, Andrew Petropoulos, Pooja Sathish, Tom Anttonellos, Jesse Matthew, Hamza Shihad, Nicholas Duke, Sowbun Watan, Matt Shaw, Adrian Dias, Gabriella Taelor, and Elizabeth Wong
R3 Zine [Design], Mary-Clare Perez
Sad King Billy's TikTok Universe, Julian Peet
Sapphire : Serendipity [EP], Abbie Siddel
Seeing Clean [Film], Harry Lankshear, John Mayer, Luka Dimopoulos, and Connor Murray
Sensory: Embrace Difference [Design], Alexandria Emmerson
Solitary [EP], Lachlan Ross
Sonorous Diaspora [Album], Daniel Rodriguez, Ruben Deegen, Tina Nguyen, and Andrianna Jovanov
Spartacus Records - Plant Powered [EP], Henry Pembroke and Lijun Dun
String Theory [Film], Lina Ly, Clint Dowdell, Jacob Potter, Nina Pejcic, and Hannah Davis
The Disasterpiece [Film], Aaron Sciortino, Kaleb Rheinberger, Brittany Jacinto-Garcia, Déshan Mendes, Soledad Hassett, and Oskar Helmore
The Killer Performance [Film], Brydon Westall, Ben Stone, Lyv Turner, and Kevin Nguyen Bui
The One [Short Film], Aiden Lombard, Josh Phegan, Judo Manyang, Drazic Cox, and Liam Aheam
The Pixels [EP], Callie Hoskin and Linda Tran
The Train at 5PM [Film], Jonah McLachlan, Alana Carling, and Jadene Eades
The Trip [Film], Noah Jensen-Mazar, Em Hasted, Sarah Weis, Lucy Plevey, Monae Salton, Erin Nugent, and Will Tunks
Thriller Close Up Research, Sam Radanovic
Toy Soldier [Film], Ben Thompson, Kaleb Rheinberger, Michael Eman, Nyapal Duac, Ben Payton, Henry Glenister, and Boris Borokhov
Underdogs [Game], Dylan Bello, Daniel Atchia, Brendan Cranfield, Harry Emmanuel, Luke Barratt, Luke Miller, Ethan Watson, Gemma Ramage, Harry Eekyn, and Kris Pen
Under The Octagon [Album], Scott Charlesworth, Aiden Yasa, Kurtis McGarrity, and Nicholas Chandler
Violet Hubris [Game] : Original Soundtrack, Mohit Rao
Will Rap For Change, James Martin