Content Posted in 2025
Abu Cinta, Callum Vize, Gifari Notowidigdo, Emily Erenavula, Sapphrine Andrews, and Sydney Nobbs
Abu Cinta BTS, Sydney Nobbs
ANI219 Project 2 Exemplar 1, SAE University College
ANI219 Project 3 24T3 Student Exemplar, SAE University College
A&S Sounds : Arabian Ranches [Audio], Aryan Raheja and Sheldon Lobo
AUD181.1 24T03 - Music Production, SAE Institute
AUD181.1 Exemplar 24T03, SAE Institute
AUD214.1 Music Mixing Techniques Example 1, SAE University College, SAE University College
(Auto)Theorizing the maternal interval: Burlesque performance as creative research, Lola M. Montgomery
Barbie As Cultural Moment, Lola Montgomery and Corinna DiNiro
Becoming burlesque: Performer training in contemporary burlesque, Lola M. Montgomery
Benny, Sanjana Ramani Iyyar, Hijazi Jasem Zaiton, Tomislav Vanevski, Farah Lafi, and Farah Ahmed Heaba
CIM211.1 Critical Presentation Example 3, SAE University College
CIM211.2 Critical Analysis Example 3, SAE University College
CIM316.2 Major Project Development Example 1, SAE University College
Clarity: Digital Planner [Design], Monique Jimenez
Creative Practice Research: An Introduction, Lola Montgomery
DDX173.1 UX-Report Example 5, SAE Institute
DDX173.1 UX-Report Example 6, SAE Institute
DDX173.2 UI User Interface Presentation Example 4, SAE Institute
DDX173.2 UI User Interface Presentation Example 5, SAE University College
DDX181 24T3 Project 3 Student Exemplar, SAE University College
DDX220.1 Science communication Example 1, SAE University College
DDX220.1 Science Communication Example 2, SAE University College
DDX220.1 Science Communication Example 3, SAE University College
DDX323.1 Speculative design poster Example 1, SAE University College
DDX323.1 Speculative Futures Example 3, SAE University College
DDX323.2 Placemaking Example 1, SAE University College
DDX323.2 Placemaking Example 2, SAE University College
DDX323.2 Placemaking Example 3, SAE University College
DDX323 Speculative Futures Example 2, SAE University College
DIM111.1 Design History Diagram, SAE University College
DIM111.2 Design analysis essay exemplar, SAE University College
DIM111.2 Visual analysis and visual response, SAE University College
DIM111.2 Visual Response Presentation, SAE University College
Doing history with the saints, Marcus O’Donnell Prof
Duality, brody caines, Tahlia Robinson, and Antonio Murania
Explorer's Diary [Game], Maya Beirouti, Anderi Emelianov, Ilya Ternov, Prieance Sagar, Rohan Karmacharya, and Maya Ibrahim
FLAME TREES, Bill Robertson, Regan Ty Grgurovic, Marco Gheri, Angelique Anastassiou, Joshua Jackson, and Travis Lowe
FLM172.1 Editing Principles and Techniques : Continuity Edit Example 1, SAE University College
FLM172.2 Editing Principles and Techniques : Edit Analysis Example 1, SAE University College
GAD170.1 Game Scripting: Project 1: Game Data and Flow Example 1, SAE University College
GAD170.2 Game Scripting: Game Loops and Collections Example 1, SAE University College
GAD170.3 Game Scripting: Game States and Interactions Example 1, SAE University College
GAD176.1 Game Scripting 2: Reusable Game Framework, SAE University College
GAD176.2 Game Scripting 2: Reusable Game Framework, SAE University College
GPG214.1 File Systems and Optimisations: Jumping Up A Level, SAE University College
GPG214.2 File Systems and Optimisations: Into The Cloud, SAE University College
GPG315.1 Customised Test-Drive, SAE University College
GPG315.2 Supercharge your Engine, SAE University College
In The Zone, Micheal Karakatsanis
Jaz and Cupid, Jerri Miko Santos, Bella Cross, Megan George, Gabriel Bradley, Jeremiah Franklin, and Molly Wagland
Lola the Vamp, Lola Meghann Montgomery
Mini Wars, Matt Porter
Misfit Studios, Missy Obezuk
MUS213.2 Community Music Project Example 1, SAE University College
Residual Memory, David Chechelashvili and Alan Brown
Scaling Up: Teaching Contemporary Music through Repertoire Structures, Sean Foran, Vincent Perry, Jade O'Regan, and Tom O'Halloran
Solace [Film], Caleb Sheppard, Jacob Duffy, Marcus Trenaman, and Eli Keogh
Solidarity, Aidan Lockhart
Sound Odyssey, Sebastien Vela, Will Pogonoski, and Michael Onutchenko
The engagement dynamics of ambient modular music, David Chechelashvili
The Journey to 100% - The Making of CHARGE [Film], Melanie Dobson, Harrison Lawrie, Dylan Richmond, Jackson Wells, and Zoe Zorbas
Tonal - Reverse Forward [Animation Project], Muhammad Abdullah, Mohammed Rayyan, Keagan Charles Brown, and Adithya Shashikumar
Vision Imperfect, Pranav Patil, Akiko Nanri, Selina Vedat, Thomas Reid, and Albert Luong